Analysis of Vancl’s marketing environment

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  Abstract:In this report, Vancl’s macro and micro environment analysis are the main objects we study in. The report shows Vancl is in a poor condition, and the main reason for that is Vancl tries to form a fast-fashion brand but it fails to run the brand, which tells people no company can succeed without products.
  Keywords: Vancl;marketing environment;mission;recommendation
  As we know, Vancl is not only a clothing marketing websites in China, but also owns its clothing brand. It’s the flagship brand of T-shirt and Polo shirts, casual clothing, with high quality design and a favorable price. The report analyzes main marketing environments of Vancl, both macro environment and micro environment respectively. Because of its bad condition, we think Vancl should catch the opportunity in the environment and avoid risks to have a better development. Apart from this, we set new objectives and goals for it to achieve and re-write a new mission statement to correspond to the current situation.
  2.Vancl’s marketing environment analysis
  To talk about a company’s success, it’s up to the effectiveness of marketing, which means a company will succeed easily if only it creates value for customers and has a strong relationship with them to capture value in return. The former is mainly about what seller can bring into customers, while the latter is about building relationships with customers. Here, it’s the marketing environment that affects company’s ability to build relationships with customers.
  2.1 Micro environment analysis
  Firstly, micro environment is referred to actors inside or close to the company that affect the process of building relationships with customers, such as, company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and public.
  2.11 company
  Originally, Vancl has shown a form of Matrix structure which is built upon U-form organizational structure, and adds a horizontal leadership system that is also called middle-term or short-term regular organization. Specifically, Vancl is directly lead by Chen nian, the CEO and founder, also present chairman. There are 5 departments under management here, development, personnel administration, audit, quality, and it funds other small ones under these 5 departments which shows a U-form. In addition, there also have other 6 systems controlled by the presidential of Vancl straightforward, such as, market system, sales system, research and development (R&D) system, logistics system, mobile phone SBU and others. This mix structure enables Vancl to have quick and accurate communications and respond to business environment correctly.   2.12 suppliers
  For one thing, as we know, Vancl is a company with private-label apparel built upon the internet. It does not have a manufacturer on products, so we can say that its success can be partly attributed to its suppliers. Ningbo ShenZhou knitting group, known as the biggest knitting manufacturer all over the world, started to cooperate with Vancl since 2009, who has been a major supplier for Vancl. Also, ITOCHU Corporation, known as the famous comprehensive trade company in the world, is an important supplier for Vancl in down jacket, jeans and many products. The amount of orders with them increased dramatically yearly. These famous suppliers provide not only good-quality goods, but also the confidence of customers in Vancl.However, since Vancl has shown a tendency of recession and closing down. Many suppliers are hesitating whether to keep on the cooperation relationships.
  2.13 marketing intermediaries
  Compared to other B2C companies, according to Feng (2012), Vancl has its unique marketing intermediaries with the concept of ‘CPS’ that mainly have 3 forms: affiliate websites, commission sales online, campus agent.The first one, Affiliate website refers to attract customers by publishing some news and advertisements on websites. If customers buy something on Vancl from the advertisement of your pages, you will get a payment on a specific percentage of sales. The second one is the mode of C2C. It is strict that you must have an online shop, such as, Taobao, Dangdang. People can sell Vancl’s products on their online stores and get a commission. Finally, students at school can apply for V+ campus agent, only if you advertise Vancl in your school, such as, Weibo, BBS, or stick posts. Then, you will get a payment of 10% sales from Vancl.
  2.14 customer market
  Nowadays, the internet accelerates the growth of Chinese middle class, because of the formation of this market, they need some brands that are suitable with middle-class’s taste. Thus, Vancl catches this market and sets the target market as young people at the generations after the 1980s, 1990s which is keen on shopping online and have skills surfing on the internet. Additionally, Vancl positions itself as fashion, happy, young and leisure, and wants to attract urban white collars, young and successful people.
  2.15 competitor
  On one hand, we know that Vancl is a B2C website imitate and it’s started up by imitation PPG which is also an online shopping website concentrating on Males clothes. With the development of the internet, the competition among B2C websites is becoming more and more fiercely. Especially, Taobao accounts for almost 70% sales which is the biggest competitor. Additionally, Dangdang and Mecox Lane are also competitive online stores.On the other hand, Vancl still needs to compete with stores offline, such as, Seven wolves, Hailan Home .These retailers also have a large market share. Thus, to keep competitive, Vancl should strengthen and complete its system to serve customers better.   2.16 publics
  To talk about Vancl’s publics , we know that it’s some groups that have impacts on the ability of Vancl to achieve goals.Firstly, Vancl has a good relationship with banks. In 2012, China Everbright Bank and China Merchants Bank published a new type of credit card that customers who had this card could shop on Valance with a 5% discount. This action made Valance more popular with the public and also motivated consumption.Secondly, because of Vancl’s successful marketing, it spends a lot of money and time building relationships with media advertising and controlling bad reports, therefore, Vancl always have a positive image on the customers.Apart from these, the government has also influenced by Vancl.According to Xie (2010),‘the police gave out leaflets that were written in Vancl style to warn the public not to be cheated by telecom fraud.’ This action is so impressive and it shortens the distance between the public and the police. Therefore, the government makes a free advertisement for Vancl.
  2.2 Macro environment analysis
  2.21 demography
  According to Prediction trend of aging population Chinese in hundred years ( Li, 2006, p.27),‘the population of people that are older than 60 years 0ld is up to 144 million, with an average increase of 2 million. The aging will speed up from 2010.’we know that there will be more and more elderly people who will not choose shopping online. Therefore, the B2C platform will not so popular in the future. Specifically, Vancl will be in a bad situation and the competition in e-commerce industry will be more and more competitive.
  2.22 natural
  According to Tian (2012), recently, the environmental hormone nonylphenol polyoxyethylene either containing Vancl clothing in (NPE) has aroused wide concern. Display in the international environmental organization Greenpeace report, NPE is widely used in printing and dyeing and washing process in the production of textiles, which was discharged into the environment will be rapidly decomposed into more toxic environmental hormone nonylphenol (NP). Nonylphenol is highly toxic to aquatic organisms that can interfere with the endocrine system and reproductive system.
  2.23 economic
  With the development of society, the public have live a good living and enjoy higher consumption levels. Based on the data from Taobao and Airui consultancy, the transaction in the Spring Festival in 2009 has increased by 60% than the same period in 2008, and the daily sales reached almost 300 million yuan. Also, the daily sales peaked at 460 million yuan. Here, online shopping helps economy get through the crisis.   2.24 technology
  With the development of technology, people are more often to use the internet to search information and go shopping, therefore, it promotes the uses of B2C companies. In another way, technology also effects logistics industry, influencing some e-commerce companies like Vancl, Taobao and so on. Specific for, technology raises the efficiency and effectiveness significantly, this reduces costs for sellers and also benefits customers. For example, according to the data, the average output of physical distribution was increased by13.14%, and what technology did to benefit the logistics industry was 35.5%.
  2.25 cultural
  Because of the improvement of technology and increase of economy, there is a phenomenon that people are getting used to dealing with something on the internet, and this has formed a culture in today’s life. Specific for, up to 2011, the amount of people surfing on the internet was 420 million yuan, and some professors analyzed that this might be led by the increasing network usage of mobile phone. Also, we know the number of people shopping online has risen to 140 million. Additionally, payment online, shopping online and bank online has all kept a rapid raising speed of 30% on average.
  3.Mission Statement
  Apart from environment factors, a clear mission statement also has lots of meaning to a company. It directs what a company should do and who they serve for. Firstly, Vancl has its mission to be a good electronic business platform and form a cheap, fast-fashion which is also a fashion of people oriented. The mission for Vancl should not only care about its own profit, but concern about the whole society. Thus, It should be like this: Vancl devotes to sharing network culture, forming social responsibilities and building a new, dependent network platform for all people to live their lives. Also, Vancl will make lots of efforts to structure a full and complete producing-service system to provide the biggest convenience for all customers all over the world.
  4.Company objectives and goals
  Since Vancl is confronted with many problems today, which barriers Vancl’s development seriously. Specifically, it has difficult problems, such as, encountered problems from the expansion, expansion of personnel, out of control, no consciousness of product inventory turnover against redundant infrastructure, lack of management capacity to keep up with the guest. Thus, it should set new goals to resolve and re-plan.   5.Conclusion and Recommendation
  In conclusion, the report is mainly about Vancl’s current situation and problems it faces, through analyzing its macro and micro environments. Then, I come up with some advice and solutions for Vancl to implement. On the other hand, Vancl should have a new mission statement and re-set goals to fit with the actuality. Finally, I recommend that Vancl should emphasize on enhancing actual publicity and increasing products quality, as well as completing the logistics system. Therefore, Vancl will become more competitive in the rat race industry.
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