Are you still addicted to mobile games? 你还在沉迷于手机游戏吗?

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  New anti-addiction guidelines for minors that set out limits for time and money spent on mobile games have been introduced by The State Administration of Press and Publications (SAPP) in November 2019, following previous calls to curb excessive gaming.
  Many State mediahave also issued the new rules, which introduced a stricter real-name registration system and, for the first time, an age rating system.The SAPP guidelines also include limiting gaming to between 8am and 10pm, with no more than 1.5 hours each day – or three hours on holidays – and no more than 400 yuan to be spent each month on in-game purchases.
  SAPP said it was working with the Ministry of Public Security to build a central personal identification system for the gaming industry so companies could verify the identities and ages of users. Companies found to have broken the rules will face a range of penalties, including losing their games publishing licences in the most severe cases.
  “The guideline’s introduction and implementation will strengthen and improve the management of online games. It will protect the physical and mental health of minors and build a healthy internet environment,” a SAPP spokesman said.
  China’s mobile gaming industry was developing fast and provided entertainment to the public, SAPP said, but it had led to gaming addiction and excessive spending among some minors, sparking public concern and criticism.China introduced anti-addiction rules on computer games for minors in 2007 but mobile games were exempted.
  The SAPP spokesman said a proposed regulation on online gaming for the protection of minors introduced in 2017 had set out the principles for maintaining a healthy online environment for minors, and it was expected that the anti-addiction guidelines would be drafted into law through these regulations.
  Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily and Xinhua both criticized Tencent’s popular game Honour of Kings in 2017 for its addictive qualities and called for tighter control of the industry in 2018.In 2018, approval for new gaming titles in the mainland was suspended for nine months. It was one of the reasons the US was expected to overtake China as the largest gaming market in 2019, according to market research firm Newzoo.   国家新闻出版署表示,中国移动游戏行业的迅速发展丰富了人们的娛乐生活的同时,也导致了未成年人过于沉迷游戏和过度消费,这引发了公众的广泛关注和批评。在2007年,国内就出台了针对未成年人的电脑游戏反沉迷规定,但并不包含手机游戏。
  Tencent is the world’s largest gaming company, earning 128.4 billion yuanin 2018 from games, its largest revenue stream. After criticisms from state media, the internet giant introduced anti-addiction measures for 31 titles in July 2017, including Honour of Kings.Play time on these titles is limited to one hour for those under 13 and two hours for those aged between 13and 18, between 8am and 9pm.
  Tencentalso introduced a spending reminder in June 2018 which sends a notification if an underage player spends more than 500 yuan in 30 days, according to a company statement.
  “The guidelines are an important and proactive signal to the entire industry and will provide clearer guidance for our work in the future,” a spokesman from Tencent’s gaming division.
  “The introduction of a stricter real-name registration and age rating system is certainly new and will have a larger impact given that these systems will be harder for minors to hack or cheat,” said Ahmad, who works for gaming consultancy Niko Partners. As a game analyst, Daniel Ahmad said the new rules were in line with expectations as many of the limits already existed in computer games and were being extended to mobile titles. He expected the real-name registration and rating system to have the greatest impact on underage players.
  1.Tencent’s anti-addiction measures limit the playing time of minors aged 13-18 to ( )hours a day.
  A.4           B.1.5           C.2           D.3
  2.Why did the SAPP introduce new anti-addiction guidelines for minors?( )
  A.They want to damage the physical and mental health of minors.
  B.They want to revoke the publishing licences of some game companies.
  C.They want the US to overtake China as the largest gaming market.
  D.They want to limit the time and money minors spend on mobile games.
  3.Which of the following is right?( )
  A.New anti-addiction guidelines for minors that set out limits for time and money spent on mobile games have been introduced by Tencent.
  B.After criticisms from state media, Tencent introduced anti-addiction measures for 31 titles in July 2017.
  C.People’s Daily and Xinhua both criticized Tencent’s popular game PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS in 2017.
  D.China introduced anti-addiction rules on mobile games for minors in 2007 but computer games were exempted.
  参考答案:C D B
职业小贴士  从业者:陈珂  从业年限:6年  从业地点:武汉  一句话感受:节奏快,任务多,压力较大  对口专业:计算机相关专业或电子商务专业  从业门槛:大专及以上  能力要求:熟悉电子商务平台规则及电子商务相关法规  晋升路径:客服—客服主管—运营助理—运营—店长—电商总监  薪资水平: 4000元—无上限(月薪)  入职提醒:从基础工作做起,切忌好高骛远,有扎实的基础才能走得更远,爬得更高
在时代楷模的颁奖现场,有一位双目失明的军人抬起残缺的右臂,向观众行了一个“无手的军礼”,这令在场的所有人为之动容。他就是为了保护战友而英勇负伤的扫雷战士杜富国。  如今,我们早已远离战火硝烟,但是在每个角落里,都有默默奉献,甚至在关键时刻挺身而出的平凡人,杜富国就是其中一员。2018年11月,他在云南坝子雷场进行扫雷作业,面对不明爆炸物时,他对战友艾岩喊出了一句:“你退后,让我来!”突然,一声轰响
解析几何是高中数学的重点和难点,在高考中占有重要地位.从以往多年高考的内容来看,无论是大题还是小题都有对解析几何的考查;从考试的难度来看,压轴题都是以解析几何题为主. 可以说,解析几何题是学生高考的“拦路虎”,是学生在攀登解析几何高峰的过程中的一大障碍. 下面,笔者介绍几种具有针对性和简洁性的解题方法与策略.  一、利用重要结论解决相关问题  在解析几何部分中,高考全国卷不考查椭圆与双曲线的第二定
北欧国家向来低调而神秘,“富裕”“高福利”是它们身上最常见的标签。在大多数中国学生选择去美、加、英、澳、新等国家留学的时候,我做了一个与众不同的决定:去瑞典留学。  瑞典小记  瑞典是诺贝尔的故乡,这个大约一千万人口的国家拥有着宜家、沃尔沃等享誉世界的品牌。同时,瑞典拥有技术集约度非常高的机械工业和化学工业,以及信息、通讯、生物医药、环保等新兴产业,这些高附加值的产业使得瑞典跻身世界最富裕国家的行
老王是我高中时的“最佳同桌”。  “老王”是班上的同学对他的“爱称”。许多同学有需要,例如取快递、买复习资料、带奶茶等,都会托老王帮忙,而老王无一例外地“接单”。  我对他不厌其烦地帮助别人的行为感到很费解,因为高中生大都吝啬时间。与他相比,我则更加风风火火——跑步上下学,马不停蹄地抓紧一切时间做作业,每天像一个高速旋转的陀螺,感觉只要做了和学习无关的事情就是在浪费时间。  而老王不一样,他的性子
家里有一个杂物间,一旦家里有暂时不需要用的东西,我们会习惯性地将之放到里面去,这样一来,杂物间里的东西就越堆越多,几乎堆满了整个房间,久久不整理,上面落了不少灰尘,角落里还有一些蜘蛛网。  直到有一天早晨,爱干净的母亲对杂物间的脏乱再也无法忍受了,于是便喊我一起清理杂物间。“这么多东西,我要收拾到什么时候啊?”我抱怨道。“够咱娘俩收拾一整天的。别说话了,开始做吧!”母亲说完之后,就着手安排我收拾起
每个人都应该经历过一次让自己印象深刻,并且能带给自己一些领悟的经历,然后才发现曾经的自己错过了什么,后悔了什么。  曾经有位朋友,我亲眼见证着她一路的成长,从一个肥宅蜕变成正能量少女,重获新生。高中时,她个子有点矮,身材有点胖,还不爱捯饬自己;嘴上说着要减肥、晚餐绝不进食,可中午却吃着二人份的饭;熬夜是常态,刷劇、看小说是日常,恨不得一年365天都宅在家,瘫在床上……类似的行为还有很多,用一个字总
试想在这样一个风和日丽的日子里,和三五好友聚在一起,伴着舒缓的音乐,低头嗅着花香,感受世界的美好。  《伊丽莎白镇》:人生一直走在路上  “每个人都该来场公路之旅,一生中至少有一次,就你自己,带着音乐。”而德鲁的这一次公路之旅,让这个本想驶向死亡的年轻人改变了终点的方向。  影片的主人公德鲁遇到了人生中最大的惨败,正在他准备自杀时,电话响了——他的父亲去世了,他不得不先放下自杀的念头,去伊丽莎白镇
高中的时候,我有个好朋友叫丹。虽然我们的友谊已成过去式,但每次想起这个路过我生命的朋友,我总能释然地笑,因为她教会我,如果有的人必须要离开你的世界,不妨笑着说再见,保留曾经的美好。  丹是一个学习很努力但成绩平平的女孩儿,再加上寡言少语,所以在班上不怎么起眼。而我成绩基本保持在班级前三名,又是班干部,所以總是跟同学打成一片。在被老师安排为同桌之后,虽然性格、处境迥异,我俩却神奇地互相吸引,成为形影
“人民”一词,我们耳熟能详,时常挂在嘴边,在政治教材中更是常见。但是在不同的语境中,“人民”有着不同的内涵和外延,你知道吗?  一、人民与人类、平民  最早的时候,“人民”一词还没开始带有专门的政治语境,如《韩非子·五蠹》:“上古之世,人民少而禽兽众。”这里的“人民”一般泛指人、人类,与现在的人民含义不同。又如《诗经·大雅·抑》中说:“质尔人民,谨尔侯度,用戒不虞。”这里的“人民”也指平民、庶民。