2014年,江苏省南通市组织了全市范围内的中考实验技能考查,笔者所在学校亦参加了此次实验技能考查。据笔者了解,多数学生都能独立完成实验,但也发现少部分学生存在实验操作不规范甚至错误的现象。对此,笔者对其存在的问题和解决策略给出自己的回答,希望能对实验教学有所帮助。一、中考实验技能考查情况概述本次中考实验技能考查选择了初三理化的学生实验各4个,其中化学实验是:用高锰酸钾制氧气、配制质量分数7%的氯化钠溶液50 g、溶液的酸碱性、
In 2014, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province organized an examination of the senior high school entrance examination skills in the city. The author’s school also took part in the examination of the experimental skills. According to the author’s understanding, most students can complete the experiment independently, but also found that a small number of students exist in the experiment norms nor even wrong phenomenon. In this regard, the author gives his own answer to the existing problems and solutions, hoping to help experimental teaching. First, the senior high school entrance examination skills to test the situation Overview This test senior high school entrance examination test skills selected the first three physical and chemical students each of four experiments, chemical experiments are: oxygen with potassium permanganate, the preparation of 7% of the mass fraction of sodium chloride solution 50 g, acid-base solution,