摘 要:利用2005年和1985年少数民族学生体质健康调研所获得的数据,对高原地区的羌族、纳西族、土族、藏族学生的生长发育状况作20年的动态观察、对比和分析,探讨该地区少数民族学生生长发育变化的特点、规律、趋势,结果发现:1)高原地区少数民族学生的生长发育水平有一定幅度的提高;生长发育速度均已步入快速增长期;男生胸围平均增长值(除纳西族外)均出现不同幅度的下降,女生均出现不同幅度的增长;生长发育整体水平,纳西族、藏族学生好于羌族、土族学生。2)高原地区少数民族学生身高突增高峰年龄(除纳西族女生外)提前1~4年,体重突增高峰年龄(除土族女生无变化外)提前1~2年,胸围突增高峰年龄变化不明显。3)高原地区少数民族学生身高速度高峰(PHV)变化不明显,最大年增长值2005年多数大于1985年;体重速度高峰(PWV)2005年多数小于1985年,最大年增长值,2005年多数大于1985年;胸围速度高峰(PCV)和最大年增长值,2005年多数大于1985年。
中图分类号:G812.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2008)03-0079-05
Dynamic analysis of the development of students of minority nationalities
in plateau areas between 1985 and 2005
ZHANG Tian-cheng
(School of Physical Education,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,China)
Abstract: By using the data acquired via his investigation on the fitness of students of minority nationalities between 1985 and 2005, the author performed a dynamic observation, comparison and analysis on the situation of development of students of Qiang, Naxi, Tu and Zang nationalities in plateau areas for 20 years. By combining with geographic and climatic factors, the author probed into the characteristics, patterns and trend of the variation of development of students of minority nationalities in these areas as follows: (1) the level of development of students of minority nationalities in plateau areas has been uplifted to a certain extent; their development has entered into a fast growing period; the average growth of chest circumference of the male students (except those of Naxi nationality) decreases to different extents, while that of the female students increases to different extents; the overall level of development of students of Naxi and Zang nationalities is better than that of students of Qiang and Tu nationalities; (2) the peak age of sudden increase of height of students of minority nationalities in plateau areas (except that of female students of Naxi nationality) is advanced by 1 to 4 years, while the peak age of sudden increase of weight of these students is advanced by 1 to 2 years except that there is no change for female students of Tu nationality, but the peak age of sudden increase of chest circumference does not change significantly; (3) the peak of height velocity of student of minority nationalities in plateau areas does not change significantly, the maximum annual growth of most of the students in 2005 is greater than that in 1985; the peak of chest circumference velocity and maximum annual growth of most of the students in 2005 are greater than those in 1985.
Key words: students of minority nationalities;plateau area;development
地理学上的高原是指海拔在500 m以上,顶面平缓,起伏较小,而面积又比较辽阔的高地。医学上将海拔3 000 m以上,能产生明显的生物效应(机体反应)的地区称为高原。体育环境中所指的高原是指1 000 ~3 000 m的大片高地[1]。本文研究的高原地区少数民族学生是指长期居住在平均海拔2 500 m以上地区的学生。长期居住在高原地区的学生为了适应高原环境,其生长发育表现出一定的特征,这是机体对环境长期适应的结果。本文利用2005年和1985年少数民族学生体质健康调研所获得的数据,对高原地区的羌族、纳西族、土族、藏族学生的生长发育状况作20年的动态观察、对比和分析,探讨高原地区少数民族学生生长发育变化的特点、规律及趋势,为提高高原地区少数民族学生体质健康水平,改善该地区少数民族学校体育卫生工作提供依据。
中图分类号:G812.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2008)03-0079-05
Dynamic analysis of the development of students of minority nationalities
in plateau areas between 1985 and 2005
ZHANG Tian-cheng
(School of Physical Education,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,China)
Abstract: By using the data acquired via his investigation on the fitness of students of minority nationalities between 1985 and 2005, the author performed a dynamic observation, comparison and analysis on the situation of development of students of Qiang, Naxi, Tu and Zang nationalities in plateau areas for 20 years. By combining with geographic and climatic factors, the author probed into the characteristics, patterns and trend of the variation of development of students of minority nationalities in these areas as follows: (1) the level of development of students of minority nationalities in plateau areas has been uplifted to a certain extent; their development has entered into a fast growing period; the average growth of chest circumference of the male students (except those of Naxi nationality) decreases to different extents, while that of the female students increases to different extents; the overall level of development of students of Naxi and Zang nationalities is better than that of students of Qiang and Tu nationalities; (2) the peak age of sudden increase of height of students of minority nationalities in plateau areas (except that of female students of Naxi nationality) is advanced by 1 to 4 years, while the peak age of sudden increase of weight of these students is advanced by 1 to 2 years except that there is no change for female students of Tu nationality, but the peak age of sudden increase of chest circumference does not change significantly; (3) the peak of height velocity of student of minority nationalities in plateau areas does not change significantly, the maximum annual growth of most of the students in 2005 is greater than that in 1985; the peak of chest circumference velocity and maximum annual growth of most of the students in 2005 are greater than those in 1985.
Key words: students of minority nationalities;plateau area;development
地理学上的高原是指海拔在500 m以上,顶面平缓,起伏较小,而面积又比较辽阔的高地。医学上将海拔3 000 m以上,能产生明显的生物效应(机体反应)的地区称为高原。体育环境中所指的高原是指1 000 ~3 000 m的大片高地[1]。本文研究的高原地区少数民族学生是指长期居住在平均海拔2 500 m以上地区的学生。长期居住在高原地区的学生为了适应高原环境,其生长发育表现出一定的特征,这是机体对环境长期适应的结果。本文利用2005年和1985年少数民族学生体质健康调研所获得的数据,对高原地区的羌族、纳西族、土族、藏族学生的生长发育状况作20年的动态观察、对比和分析,探讨高原地区少数民族学生生长发育变化的特点、规律及趋势,为提高高原地区少数民族学生体质健康水平,改善该地区少数民族学校体育卫生工作提供依据。