《黄果树之声歌曲选》(下简称《歌选》的问世是安顺地区的党政领导部门和广大音乐工作者(不仅包括黔中地区,还包括贵州全省乃至全国的部分词曲作家)共同努力的创造性成果和结晶。 《歌选》共选了七十多首歌曲,都是历年来众多作者从不同角度反映和歌唱安顺题材的歌曲;有的虽未直接反映和歌唱安顺,但却是安顺籍作者创作的其它优秀歌曲。75首歌曲中有46首分别在全国和省、市级征歌中获各种奖励;有的虽未获奖,却在群众中广泛流传,久唱不衰,如《读书郎》(宋扬词曲)、《幺妹摘菜》(张一弦编词曲)和《铁路修到苗家寨》(杨学隆词,张启贤曲)等。这些都是人们耳熟能详的优秀歌曲。由此可见《歌选》的质量水准之高,它实际上是半个多世纪以来安顺地区音乐创作成果和音乐创作史的浓缩,在某种程度上也是贵州省音乐创作成果与音乐创作史的折射的反映,故读来给人以厚重而亲切的历史感,可以说这是这部《歌选》的第一特色,也是给我留下深刻印象的第一感受。 第二,它具有鲜明的时代感与现实性。这不仅由于《歌选》中的歌
The advent of “Song of Huangguoshu” (hereinafter referred to as “song selection”) is a joint effort by the party and government leaders and the majority of music workers in Anshun (including not only the Central Guizhou region, but also some songwriters in Guizhou province and even the whole country) Of the creative achievements and crystallization of “song selection” selected a total of more than seventy songs, are over the years many of the author from different angles reflect and sing Anshun theme songs; some did not directly reflect and sing Anshun, but it is Anshun 46 other songs of the 75 songs were awarded various awards in the national and provincial and municipal levages; some did not win the award but were widely circulated among the masses for a long time, such as “Reading Lang” (Song Yang Lyrics), “Yaomei pick vegetables” (Zhang Yi strings composing songs) and “railway repair to Miaochaizhai” (Yang Xuelong lyrics, Zhang Qixian song), etc. These are well-known people outstanding songs. This shows that “song selection” of the high quality standards, it is actually more than half a century Anshun area music creation and music creation history of the concentration, to a certain extent, Guizhou province is also the result of music and music creation history Refracted Therefore, it gives me a profound and intimate sense of history, so I can say that this is the first feature of this “song selection” Sense and reality.This is not only due to “song selection” song