随着银行业国际化的发展 ,各国金融市场之间相互依赖性不断增强 ,国际银行业的系统风险不断增加 ,仅仅依靠一国的单一监管已不足以防范金融风险、确保银行的稳健经营。基于此 ,欧共体通过《并表监管指令》明确规定了在并表基础上对信用机构实施监管的原则和方法 ,并就各成员国监管当局之间持续性信息交流与合作提出要求
With the development of international banking, the interdependence of financial markets in other countries has been continuously enhanced. The systemic risks of international banking have been increasing. It is not enough to rely solely on the single supervision of a single country to prevent financial risks and ensure the sound operation of banks. Based on this, the EC clarifies the principles and methods for supervising credit institutions on a consolidated basis through the Consolidation of Supervision Directive, and requests for continuous information exchange and cooperation among regulatory authorities in member countries