有一则人们耳熟能详的寓言故事,说的是一位老人为考验两个儿子的智慧,让求他们花最少的钱买一样东西,并且这样东西能够充满整个房间。结果大儿子买来许多柴草,把整个房间堆得满满的。小儿子只买来一根蜡烛,点燃后,红红的烛光充满了整个房间。 由这则寓言故事,我领悟到一
There is a well-known fable that people say is an old man to test the wisdom of two sons, asking them to spend the least money to buy one thing, and this thing can fill the entire room. As a result, the eldest son bought many firewood and piled up the whole room. The youngest son bought only one candle, and after lit, the red candle filled the room. From this fable story, I realized one