早在中华文化“走出去”战略提出之前,便有许多中国译者曾在英语世界出版过典籍英译作品,并获得了不同程度的成功,初大告便是其中之一。其英译词选《中华隽词》(Chinese Lyrics,1937)—经出版,便得到英国多家知名刊物的一致好评,其中部分译词被选入英语世界权威的中国文学选译集,并先后于1987年和2014年在国内外增订和重印。这部选集的影响力由此可见一斑,但译界至今尚无专论介绍其翻译缘起、编选原则、翻译策略以及在英语世界的接受情况,而全面、系统的研究有助于还原其历史价值,对于当下的典籍英译工作也不无启示意义。
As early as before the strategy of “going global”, many Chinese translators had published works of English translation of classics in the English-speaking world with varying degrees of success. The first big report was one of them. Its English translation of “Chinese Lyrics” (Chinese Lyrics, 1937) - was published, it won many well-known British publications of praise, some of which have been translated into the English world’s most authoritative selection of Chinese literary translation, and has In 1987 and 2014 at home and abroad update and reprint. The influence of this anthology is evident, but so far there is no monograph about translation origins, compilation principles, translation strategies and acceptance in the English-speaking world, and the comprehensive and systematic study helps to restore its historical value , There is no apocalyptic significance for the current English translation of classics.