同学们好!新学年开始了,情感地带”栏目是专为同学们倾诉自己的情感而创办的哟,把你心中的悄悄话写出来寄给我们吧,或悲或喜,或爱或恨,一吐为快,只要有真情实感就行,篇幅在500字以内为宜,欢迎同学们投稿。来信请寄长沙市蔡锷北路485号湖南教育报刊社《初中生》编辑部云博老师收,邮编:410008,电话:0731-4314349(办),E-mail:[email protected]
The students are good! The new school year has started. The “Emotional Zone” section is a special trick for students to talk about their emotions. Write down your heart’s whisper to us, or sad or happy, or love or hate. Spit is fast, as long as there is true feeling on the line, the length of less than 500 words is appropriate, welcome the students to submit. Letters please send to Changsha City, Caihe North Road, No. 485, Hunan Education News Agency “junior high school” Editorial Board Yun Bo teacher, Zip code Tel: 0731-4314349 (office), E-mail: [email protected]