随着华北地区诸多煤矿开始进入太原组下组煤的开采,研究奥陶系峰峰组岩溶发育深度和赋存规律及能否为下组煤的安全开采提供隔水作用就显得十分重要。以西山屯兰矿奥陶系岩溶地下水系统的水动力条件为基础,利用钻孔实际揭露奥陶系顶部岩溶发育深度和矿井瞬变电磁方法探测岩溶分布状况,综合以上分析推断自峰峰组顶部向下35 m厚度范围内为近乎无水,可作为防峰峰组局部中等富水区突水的隔水关键层。峰峰组上段顶部近35 m隔水层和峰峰组下段约70 m的第1泥灰岩石膏隔水层可作为防上马家沟组中上部第2含水层组突水的隔水关键层。
As many coal mines in North China began to enter the coal preparation unit of the Taiyuan Formation, it is very important to study the depth and occurrence of karstification in the Fengtao Formation of the Ordovician and to provide a water-barrier effect for the safe mining of the next coal group. Based on the hydrodynamic conditions of the Ordovician karst groundwater system in Tunlanlan, Xizang, the karst depth of the top of Ordovician and the transient electromagnetic method of mine are used to reveal the distribution of karst. Based on the above analysis, Down to 35 m thickness of the water is almost anhydrous, can be used as anti-peak group of local water-rich water inrush key layer of water. The first limestone gypsum water barrier near the top of the Feng-fang Formation in the upper part of the upper section and about 70 m in the lower part of the Feng-feng Formation can serve as a water-critical keystone for water inrush from the Upper-Middle 2th aquifer in the Upper Majiagou Formation .