北京时间3月20日10时30分许,伊拉克首都巴格达上空响起空袭警报,美军开始对伊拉克发动攻击。 10时33分50秒,新华社中东总分社发出第一条英文快讯《巴格达响起空袭警报》,时效领先于美联社(10时34分26秒)、路透社(10时35分44秒)、法新社(10时36分36秒)。 10时34分11秒,新华网发出第一条快讯,并进行滚动报道,各大网站迅速转载。
Beijing time at 10:30 on March 20 Xu, Iraqi capital slammed over the air raid in Baghdad, the U.S. military started an attack on Iraq. At 10:33:50, the Xinhua News Agency Middle East News Agency issued the first English-language news alert “Baghdad raided the air raid alert”, aging time ahead of the Associated Press (12:34:26), Reuters (10:35:44) , AFP (10:36:36). At 10:34:11, Xinhuanet issued the first newsletters and carried out rolling reports. The major websites were quickly reprinted.