《格列佛游记》是十八世纪英国启蒙主义作家斯威夫特的一部长篇小说。小说分为四卷,具体叙述了英国的一名外科医生格列佛四次游历海外的经过。第一卷写格列佛在海上覆舟遇险,被海水漂流到利立浦特(小人国)以及在利立浦特的见闻和遭遇;第二卷写格列佛游历了布罗卜厂奈格(大人国),他向大人国国王夸耀英国的社会政治制度,受到国王的质问和谴责;第三卷叙述了格列佛在飞岛、巴尔尼巴比、巫人岛等地的见闻;最后一卷是慧国游记,抒发了作者对慧驷马的赞美之情。 《西游记》是我国明代万历时期吴承恩创作的长篇小说。全书的故事情节分为三个段落,从第一回至第七回写孙悟空大闹天宫;第八回至第十二回写西天取经的缘起;第十三回以后写西天取经的故事。 两部小说下文分别简称《格》、《西》,它们虽然产生于不同时代,不同的国度,时间相距
Gulliver’s Travels is a novel by Swift, a British Enlightenment writer of the 18th century. The novel is divided into four volumes, specifically narrated a British surgeon Gulliver traveled overseas four times. The first volume written Gulliver capsulated in distress at sea, was drifted to Li Lipu Pu (Little Country) and the Li Lipuote knowledge and experience; Volume II wrote Gulliver traveled to Brody plant Niger (an adult nation), he boasted to the King of the King of the social and political system in Britain by the king’s questioning and condemnation; the third volume describes Gulliver’s knowledge in the flying island, Barney Barbie, Witch Island and other places ; The last volume is Hui Guo Travels, to express the compliment of the Hui Hui horses. Journey to the West is a novel written by Wu Cheng-en during the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty in China. The story of the book is divided into three paragraphs, from the first back to the seventh back to Monkey King Havoc in Heaven; the eighth back to the twelfth back to write the origin of the Western Learning; the thirteenth back to write the story of the West. The two novels below referred to as the “grid”, “West”, although they arise in different times, different countries, the time apart