NewVisaPolicyFor ForeignersinChina

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The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter Exit and Entry Law),adopted by the National People’s Congress in June of 2012,took effect on July 1,2013.Relevant administrative regulations and rules,including those on the visa system and theemployment of foreigners,are expected,to be updated in accordance with the new law.The changes are aimed at addressing the illegalstay and illegal employment of foreigners living in China.According to the new law,visas for China are divided into four categories:diplomatic visa,courtesy visa,official visa and ordinary visa.The following are some important articles: The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter Exit and Entry Law), adopted by the National People’s Congress in June of 2012, took effect on July 1, 2013. Revantvant administrative regulations and rules, including those on the visa system and the employment of foreigners, are expected, to be updated in accordance with the new law.The changes are aimed at addressing the illegalstay and illegal employment of foreigners living in China.According to the new law, visas for China are divided into four categories : diplomatic visa, courtesy visa, official visa and ordinary visa.The following are some important articles:
少食是一种养生之道少食本身就是一种养生之道。人吃下食物,在吸收营养时,氧化作用也在同时进行着,这个作用会产生自由基等毒素。也就是说,健康长寿的饮 Eat less is a regi
摘要:随着经济的不断发展,我国开始进行社会主义新农村建设以后,对于传统的农村在经营上的管理已经不能适应经济的发展要求,所以根据国家对农村政策的扶持,也要采取与之相对应的政策进一步将其完善,特别是进行信息化管理。以此推进农村经济的发展。  关键词:新时期;农村经营管理;信息化  中图分类号:F325 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2015)009-000-01  随着科技的不断发展,