Temperature and Thermal Stress Distribution for Metal Mold in Squeeze Casting Process

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bleachdou
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In the squeeze casting process,loaded high pressure(over approximately 100 MPa) and high temperature influence the thermo-mechanical behavior and performance of the used metal mold.Therefore,to safely maintain the metal molds,the thermo-mechanical characteristics(temperature and thermal stress) of metal mold in the squeeze casting must be investigated.In this paper,temperature and thermal stress distribution of steel mold in squeeze casting process were investigated by using a three-dimensional non-steady heat conduction analysis and a three-dimensional thermal elastic-plastic analysis considering temperature-dependent thermo- physical and mechanical properties of the steel mold. In the squeeze casting process, loaded high pressure (over approximately 100 MPa) and high temperature influence the thermo-mechanical behavior and performance of the used metal mold.Therefore, to safely maintain the metal molds, the thermo-mechanical characteristics (temperature and thermal stress) of metal mold in the squeeze casting must be taken. In this paper, temperature and thermal stress distribution of steel mold in squeeze casting process were investigated by using a three-dimensional non-steady heat conduction analysis analysis and a three-dimensional thermal elastic -plastic analysis considering temperature-dependent thermo-physical and mechanical properties of the steel mold.
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