
来源 :吉林勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcwangyong
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施工图审查的目的是确保建筑工程设计文件的质量符合国家的法律法规、符合国家强制性标准和规范,确保建筑地基基础和主体结构的安全性符合设计规范要求,确保建筑抗震、消防和节能设计符合设计规范要求。以保证国家和人民的生命财产安全不受损失。通过几年来的工作实践,我们深感责任重于泰山。工作开展起来有时感觉很难,实践证明,只要我们始终秉持“以理服人,以情感人,以优质服务取信与人”这样一个工作理念,我们就能做好工作。 The purpose of the construction drawing review is to ensure that the quality of the construction design documents conforms to the national laws and regulations and complies with the national mandatory standards and norms to ensure the safety of the foundation and the main structure of the building conform to the requirements of the design code and ensure the seismic design of buildings, fire protection and energy saving design Meet the design specifications. So as to ensure that the lives and property of the country and people will not be damaged. Through the years of work practice, we are deeply responsible for Taishan. Sometimes it is hard to carry out the work. Practice has proved that we can do a good job as long as we always uphold the principle of “persuading people with emotion, taking emotional ones and using good services to gain the trust and people”.
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下雪了,飘飘洒洒,飘飘洒洒……夜幕降临,轻盈下落的雪花模模糊糊,渐渐地,看不见了。夜,显出了宁静,耳边的簌 It's snowing, it's floating, it's drifting, it's drifting .
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在一个晴朗的周末,我和几个表兄妹一起高高兴兴地拿着水桶、钩子,迈着大步来到小溪边捉螃蟹。大家的分工是:表姐到水里把 On a sunny weekend, with my cousins ​​and sev