《编辑部的故事》是“幽默系列喜剧”,《请拨315》是它的续篇。与前者比较,后者的创作队伍扩大了,顾问增加了,可质量却下降了。原因何在?在喜剧精神。朔本求源,在始作俑者。 诚然,《编辑部的故事》在形式、内容和人物等多方面取得了成功,但是无庸置疑,它大获成功、博得大众笑声的最重要原因还在于语言。 《编辑部的故事》的喜剧效果主要来自于语言的表层语义与深层语义的不谐调。它的创作者将各种能造成语义不谐调的修辞手段——倒反、失重、移
“Editorial Department’s Story” is a “comedy series,” “Please dial 315” is its sequel. Compared with the former, the latter’s creative team expanded, consultants increased, but quality declined. Why? In the comedy spirit. Shuobo seeking source, the initiator. It is true that “the editorial department’s story” has achieved success in many aspects such as form, content and character, but it is beyond doubt that it has achieved great success. The most important reason for gaining public laughter lies in the language. The comic effect of “The Story of the Editorial Department” comes mainly from the dissonance of the surface semantics and deep semantics of language. Its creators reverse the rhetorical devices that cause semantic incompatibility - weight loss and weight loss