根据2009年对栏目设置问卷调查的反馈,希望增加档案教育培训与解答基层档案工作疑问栏目的建议,我们开设了档案课堂这一专栏,希望通过这一栏目满足档案工作者对档案知识的渴求,解答档案工作中的一些疑问。如果您有疑问需要我们帮助解答或者有其他建议,欢迎来文或来电。我们的电子邮箱是[email protected],电话是85194662。
According to the 2009 survey on the column set feedback, hoping to increase file education and training and answer the grass-roots file work section of the recommendations of the question, we opened a file classroom this column, hoping this file to meet the archivists thirst for archive knowledge, Answer some questions in the file work. If you have any questions that need our help or have other suggestions, please feel free to contact us or call us. Our e-mail is [email protected], the phone is 85194662.