Fabrication and characterization of Al-Mn superconducting films for applications in TES bolometers

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cassyqc
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Superconducting transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers require superconducting films to have controllable transi-tion temperatures Tc in different practical applications.The value of Tc strongly affects thermal conductivity and thermal noise performance of TES detectors.A1 films doped with Mn (A1-Mn) of different concentrations can accomplish tunable Tc.A magnetron sputtering machine is used to deposit the A1-Mn films in this study.Fabrication parameters including sputtering pressure and annealing process are studied and their influences on Tc and superconducting transition width ATc are optimized.The A1-Mn films with ATc below 1.0 mK for Tc in a range of 520 mK-580 mK are successfully fabricated.
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