他出生在美国纽约,却对印度情有独钟,定居孟买。他是个心理学专家,却在“可用性”——这个“令大多数人听上去都似懂非懂”的抽象领域,缔造了一个商业王国!他作为当今世界上最著名的人类工程学家,亲身参与炸弹处置、货币交易、网络架构等各种五花八门的“挑战性”行业,却永远“冷酷”地强调人类工程学应用要“以商业为导向”。他能力卓绝,亲自驾驶飞机拜访客户,却在某天心血来潮,卖掉飞机,换了一个“有点不同”的交通工具——骆驼,去游走沙漠。他兴趣广泛,既是个精通空手道、无线电、摩托车的哈雷爱好者,又是个执著于“先验式冥想”的哲学家,但最近的中国之行,让他的“最爱”变成了“泡脚”。走近HFI(Human Factors International,人因国际)——全球最大的可用性咨询公司创始人Eric Schaffer博士,让中国读者体验一个崭新的行业!
Born in New York, USA, he was a softhearted Indian settler in Mumbai. He is a psychologist who has created a business kingdom in the abstract field of “usability ” - the abstract that most people seem to understand and understand - and as the most famous human being in the world today Engineers, who are themselves involved in a myriad of “challenging” industries such as bomb disposal, currency trading, and network infrastructure, are always “cold” and emphasize that “ergonomics” should be “business oriented.” His ability to personally visit the customer by plane, but one day whim, sell the plane, for a “a little different ” transport - camels, to walk the desert. He has a wide range of interests. He is both a Hare enthusiast proficient in karate, radio, motorcycle, and a philosopher who is dedicated to “transcendental meditation.” However, his recent visit to China has made his “favorite” Become a “foot bath ”. Approaching HFI (Human Factors International) - Dr. Eric Schaffer, founder of the world’s largest usability consulting firm, allows Chinese readers to experience a whole new industry!