目的分析我院病案复印工作存在的问题,提出解决措施,践行“以病人为中心”的理念。方法收集2009年至2013年病案复印数据,利用Excel、SPSS17.0统计软件,通过跟踪调查,分析病案复印工作存在的问题。结果存在医院病案复印需求大与病案复印工作人员不足的矛盾,病案复印数量逐年上升,复印率均从2009年的15.1%上升为2013年的34.6%,工作人员工作强度加大,人均复印量从2009年的3290份上升为2013年的4489份;Pearson Chi-Square=679,P<0.001,不同年份病案复印构成有显著性差异,其中医保、新农合病人人数最多,占90%多;病案复印工作人员服务意识不强。结论通过利用医院信息化建设;加强内部管理,提高服务效能;开通病案复印资料便民邮寄服务等手段解决供需矛盾。积极做好医疗保险病人、公检法等执法部门、伤残鉴定、医疗证明、医疗纠纷等方面各类人群病案复印工作。全面加强人性化服务意识,转变服务理念,变被动服务为主动服务。
Objective To analyze the existing problems of medical record copy in our hospital and put forward the solutions to practice the concept of “patient-centered”. Methods The data of medical records from 2009 to 2013 were collected. The software of Excel and SPSS17.0 were used to analyze the existing problems of medical record copying through follow-up investigation. As a result, there was a conflict between the large demand for hospital medical records and the shortage of medical records. The number of medical records was increased year by year, and the copying rate rose from 15.1% in 2009 to 34.6% in 2013. The work intensity of staff increased and the per capita copying rate increased from 3290 in 2009 rose to 4489 in 2013; Pearson Chi-Square = 679, P <0.001, there were significant differences in the composition of medical records in different years, of which Medicare and NRCMS accounted for more than 90% Copy staff is not strong sense of service. Conclusions The contradiction between supply and demand can be solved by utilizing the construction of hospital informatization, strengthening internal management and improving service efficiency. Actively do a good job in medical insurance patients, law enforcement departments such as public security law, disability identification, medical certificates, medical disputes and other aspects of the case copy of the work of all types of people. Comprehensively enhance the awareness of human services, change the concept of service, change passive service as the active service.