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  Maureen: How could I forget that! Because of that 1)bastard, I missed the dance. Everybody was 2)mocking me for the rest of the year.
  Frank: ①Still all things considered, wasn’t it good for you in the end?
  Maureen: Outright 3)fabulous!All that over one piece of paper. I never cheated again, if that’s what you mean, but ②I felt so 4)crushed for missing that dance. I still believe ③Mr. Friedman was just on a power trip.
  Frank: But you turned out alright in the end.
  Maureen: No thanks to Mr. Friedman, mind you.Anyway, that’s easy for you to say. Homecoming King, captain of the football team—the girls were all over you… You had it all!
  Frank: Oh, stop it...It’s all ancient history now, anyway.I’m just thankful for what our teachers taught us. I didn’t grow up to be a king, a football player, or a playboy—I have to work to make a living just like everyone else.If not for teachers like Mr. Friedman, ④I would have spent all my days with my head in the clouds. I would never have the cool job I have now.
  Maureen: Speaking of which, I totally forgot to ask you.What do you do for a living these days, anyway?
  Frank: Wouldn’t you know, I am a high school biology teacher, retracing Mr. Friedman’s footsteps.
  Maureen: Oh my God! I am so 5)embarrassed. I didn’t mean to make fun of your job or anything!⑤I was just 6)yapping my mouth. I hope you aren’t mad at me!
  Frank: Don’t worry. I remember what high school was like. Just keep in mind what our teachers taught us.⑥I don’t mean to preach, but I’m sure it will come in handy one day.

  Smart Sentences
  ① still all things considered
  all things considered: 表示在做某个判断之前已经考虑了各方面的因素(indicating that a judgment is made after taking all the facts into account)。例如:
  All things considered, I think she is the best candidate for the job.
  ② I felt so crushed.
  crushed: 因某事非常生气(very upset by sth.)。例如:
  Listen to criticism, but don’t be crushed by it.
  ③ Mr. Friedman was just on a power trip.
  power trip: 指某人想要展示对某事或某人的权力(wanting to show one’s power over sth. or sb.),通常为贬义(used in negative sense)。例如:
  My manager has been on a power trip since he got promoted.
  ④ I would have spent all my days with my head in the clouds.
  head in the clouds: 沉迷于幻想中,忽视了眼前的现实(in one’s own world and ignoring or unaware of the reality)。例如:
  Having my head in the clouds for the whole semester, I failed my finals.
  ⑤ I was just yapping my mouth.
  通常yap一词是指非常恼人地喋喋不休(talk continuously in an annoying way),文中的这个句子是道歉式的自贬。例如:
  She keeps yapping at me about Jack.
  ⑥ I don’t mean to preach.
  I don’t mean to…:我并不是想……,以解释自己的用意(clarifying one’s intention)。
  I don’t mean to preach是常用口语表达,常常用在说出一些听似教训人的话时说,表示自己并无此意(often used when about to say things that appear to be giving advice in a serious way so as to clarify one’s intension)。例如:
  I don’t mean to preach, but you are selfish on this matter.
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