“两周的外地访问,只碰到一件‘糟’事。”客人走下飞机,握着我的手说。听了这话,作为他这次采访项目的一个安排者,我为之一惊,正想问他,但没等我开口,他接着又说:“那就是:我几乎认不出我的第二故乡——重庆了。”他粲然一笑,然后郑重其事地向我透露了这样一个信息:“我要写本《西行漫记》那样的书,为促进美国人民对中国的了解做点工作。”这位客人,就是在美国久享盛名的记者兼作家白修德(THEODORE H·WHITE)。他
“Two weeks of field trips only came across a ’bad thing.’” Guests walked off the plane and said in my hand. As I listened, I was scared of being an arranger for this interview, and I was asking him, but he did not wait for me to say something. He added: “I almost can not recognize my Two Hometown - Chongqing. ”He smiled and then solemnly disclosed to me a message:“ I want to write this book, ”Travels to the West,“ to promote the understanding of the American people to do something in the United States. ”This guest is THEODORE H. WHITE, a well-known journalist and writer in the United States. he