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班主任总要带领学生布置自己的教室,为师生创造一个优美、舒适、具有教学功能的环境。然而,我们从某中学开展的“最佳教室”评比活动中发现,为数不少的教室布置得很不如人意。如,有的教室布置五颜六色,花里胡哨,学生那还有心听课;有的教室标语、挂图过多,内容面太广,主题不突出,容易分散学生的精力;有的教室布置思想性不强,颇有片面追求升学率的色彩……布置教室也是一门科学,一种艺术,具有很高的学问。那么究竟该如何布置自己的教室呢?一、要突出教育功能。教室环境的布置,具有鲜明的思想性和教育性。它除了要宣传教育方针和学校的校风、校纪要求外,还必须以教育教学目的为前提,考虑教室环境对学生潜移默化的教育作用,使之成为激励学生 The head teacher always leads the students to arrange their own classrooms to create a beautiful, comfortable and functional teaching environment for teachers and students. However, we found from the “Best Classroom” appraisal activities conducted by a middle school that a large number of classrooms were not well-placed. For example, some classrooms are colorful, bells and whistles, and students still listen to lectures; some classroom slogans, too many wall charts, too wide content, the subject is not prominent, easy to distract students’ energies; some classrooms are not very ideological layout, quite One-sided pursuit of the color of the rate of enrollment ... The layout of the classroom is also a science, an art, with a high degree of learning. So how do you arrange your own classroom? First, we must highlight educational functions. The layout of the classroom environment is distinctively ideological and educational. In addition to publicizing the education policy and school ethos and school discipline requirements, it must also be based on the premise of education and teaching. It should also consider the role of classroom environment in sublime education for students to become an incentive for students.
盐的水解在电解质溶液一章中既是重点、又是难点知识。它是弱电解质的电离平衡、水的电离和溶液的 pH 值知识的综合运用。所以,教好这一节的知识既能使学生巩固和加深所学的
同一景观在不同的时令会有不同的特征。未自清先生的荷塘月色写出了什么特征呢? 一、“羞涩”。文章写荷花“层层的叶子中间零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打
何谓“褒词贬用”?那就是采用说反话的方法,把带有爱的感情转化为贬斥、憎恶的感情。例如: 玉宝心想:“好小子,我早就想揍你了……今天你自己送上门来,真该你交运的时候了”
辨析近义词的教学在整个小学语文词语教学中是个难点,但如果在教学过程中,针对具体情况,合理地设计巧妙的教学方案往往是可以化难为易的。 五年制小学语文第六册第十二课《手
“构造”是数学家们常用的思想方法,譬如当一个实际问题需要数学家帮助解决时,他首先想到的就是构造。就是说,他将首先通过抽象分析,去构造一个数学模型,并希望通过数学 “