通过 50个油田 180 0余块样品的敏感性试验研究 ,运用胜利油区Ng、Es1、Es2 、Es3、Es4 等 5个砂层组的储集层敏感性室内实验资料 ,结合各油田储集层特征 ,总结胜利油区不同层位、不同埋深砂岩油藏的储集层敏感性特征及油层损害机理 ,认为 :水敏性是该油区储集层的主要敏感性损害因素 ;流速过大会导致疏松砂岩储集层出砂 ;储集层具有弱—中等的碱敏性 ;对于盐酸和土酸表现出不同的敏感性结果。为油气层保护提供了重要的基础资料
Based on the sensitivity experiment of more than 180 samples in 50 oilfields, reservoir sensitivity data of 5 sandstone beds of Ng, Es1, Es2, Es3, Es4 in Shengli oil field are used to test the sensitivity of the reservoir. Characteristics of reservoirs in different layers and different buried sandstone reservoirs in Shengli Oilfield and the mechanism of reservoir damage. It is concluded that water sensitivity is the main susceptible damage factor to reservoirs in this area, Resulting in sand production in unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs; reservoirs with weak-moderate alkali sensitivity; and hydrochloric acid and tartaric acid showing different sensitivity results. It provides important basic information for the protection of oil and gas reservoirs