曾经钟情于《欲望都市》女主角最喜欢的那款名叫大都会的鸡尾酒,清新的水果气息,甜而不腻的口感,适合都市白领女性。酒不醉人人自醉,在风景如画的博鳌亚洲论坛永久会址,邂逅赤霞红的东风Honda新都会SUV旗舰车型UR-V,我情不自禁陶醉于优雅的氛围中。静则以低调的深红色一展优雅美资,动则疾驰而过带你领略大都会的清新恣意。总有一瞬间,让你沉浸在东风Honda UR-V的世界。
Once loved in the “Sex and the City” actress favorite paragraph called cosmopolitan cocktail, fresh fruit, sweet but not greasy taste, suitable for urban white-collar women. Wine drunk people drunk, in the picturesque site of the BFA permanent meeting, encounter the red Honda Dongfeng Honda Metro SUV flagship model UR-V, I can not help but indulge in elegant atmosphere. Still in low-key crimson show elegant American capital, the move is galloping over with a taste of the cosmopolitan fresh wanton. There is always a moment, let you immersed in the world of Dongfeng Honda UR-V.