通过田间试验 ,研究了松嫩平原黑土和黑钙土锌肥的有效施用条件与玉米产量的关系。结果表明 :在 pH >7 2、石灰含量 >3 9%、砂粒含量 >40 %、代换量 <15cmol/kg、有机质含量 <2 0g/kg及土壤有效锌含量低于缺锌临界值 0 8mg/kg的土壤条件下 ,施用锌肥具有明显的增产效果。在高磷情况下会降低土壤锌的有效性 ,易加重玉米缺锌。玉米品种试验表明 :“吉单 10 1”、“四单 8”等玉米品种对缺锌最为敏感 ,施锌效果显著。
Field experiments were conducted to study the relationship between the effective application of zinc fertilizers on the Songnen Plain and black soil and the corn yield. The results showed that when pH> 7 2, lime content> 39%, sand content> 40%, substitution amount <15cmol / kg, organic matter content <20g / kg and soil available zinc content were less than 0 8mg / kg of soil conditions, the application of zinc fertilizer has a significant yield-increasing effect. In the case of high phosphorus will reduce the effectiveness of soil zinc, easy to increase corn zinc deficiency. Maize variety trials showed that maize varieties such as “Jidan 10 1” and “Sidan 8” were the most sensitive to zinc deficiency, with significant zinc application.