Third, the argument (a) the meaning and role of the argument 1. The meaning of the argument The content of the article directly expressed the author’s point of view, opinion, something to someone’s assessment, this method of expression is called argumentative. There is a principle difference between the method of discussion and the method of narration, and the narration is realistic in nature, which is concrete; it is abstract that discussion focuses on writing. For example, in the process of practice, the original man only started to see the phenomenon of all things in the process, saw the one-sidedness of all things and saw the external relations among all things. For example, some outside people visited Yenan for the first day or two. They saw the terrain, streets and houses of Yan’an, people who had come into contact with many people, attended banquets, evening parties and mass meetings. They heard various kinds of talk and saw each These are the phenomena of things, the one-sidedness of things, and the external relations of these things. This is called emotional stage of understanding, it is the stage of feeling and impression. ... The continuation of social practice has made people feel and impress something in practice many times, creating a sudden change (ie a leap) in the minds of people and creating concepts. ... concept with the feeling,