书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”,一读这两句古语便禁不住为古人担忧:书中何止“黄金屋”与“颜如玉”? 书中有攀登珠穆朗玛峰的艰难与壮美、灵魂的挣扎与超越,让人体会人生的意义、价值和尊严:有逐鹿中原、英雄辈出的世界杯,任你笑看高卢雄鸡不再吟唱,潘帕斯骑士折戟沉沙;有激情与智慧酿就的愤青时代,细数年青人的成熟与成熟人的年青…… 所以,春日庭院,淡淡泥香,我们徜徉书海,翱翔九天。 所以,我们一心、二分、三余、四备、五到、六蔽、七录、八面、九思,孜孜不倦地与书做最知心、最深沉的交流。
The book has its own golden house, the book of its own jade, “read these two old saying could not help but worry for the ancients: the book more than” Golden House “and” Yan Ruyu "? The book climbs Mount Everest difficult and magnificent, soul Struggling and transcendence, people realize the meaning of life, value and dignity: the Central Plains competing in the world, the heroic World Cup, let you smile Gallo rooster no longer sing, Pampas Knight crashed into sand; passion and wisdom stuffed The youth of the age of maturity and maturity of young people ...... So, the spring garden, a touch of muddy, we 徜 徉 book sea, Soaring nine days, so we wholeheartedly, dichotomy, more than three, four prepared, five to, Six masks, seven recorded, eight, nine, tireless with the book to do the most intimate, most profound exchanges.