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  South Korea’s film industry is undergoing an
  amazing transformation. Since the late 1990s, a new wave of South Korean filmmakers has burst on the scene. Their movies thrill audiences all over the world, but South Korean cinema has made its greatest breakthrough at home. South Korean films have shot their way to the No. 1 spot in the local box office. Even Hollywood
  has been beaten into second place. So what is the
  secret behind the success of South Korean cinema?
  Chris Berry (Professor): I think Korean films have succeeded in Korea because they deal with topics that only Korean film can deal with – things that matter
  to ordinary Koreans. On the other hand, they’ve
  succeeded internationally, especially in the Asian region, because they’re taking a 1)genre cinema that is familiar
  to people around the region and giving it an Asian
  The Turning Point
  The South Korean film industry really took off after democratic elections in 1987.The following year, with a new constitution, the strict 3)censorship, that had been 4)in place since the war, began to ease. South Korean
  directors now had the opportunity to explore other
  5)controversial subjects from the country’s 6)tumultuous history. With this new-found freedom, filmmakers started to question the authority of 7)the Establishment, including police and justice under 8)martial law.
  While South Korean filmmakers were exploring once forbidden topics, another law gave these films a fighting chance of reaching an audience. At the time the industry was taking off in the 1990s, South Korean cinemas had to screen local movies for 146 days of the year.
  Berry: If there had been no 9)quota system in place,
  it’s unlikely that people in Korea would have been willing to invest in the Korean cinema. The guarantee of screenings guaranteed at least a certain return.
  A Successful Genre
  In the 1980s, many young Korean filmmakers went abroad to study, then brought back advanced filmmaking techniques. As they matured, they began to experiment with new story genres. This combination of style meets story created a string of box office smashes.
  Berry: Since the 1990s, the Korean production system has been completely transformed from an old-fashioned studio system to a highly mobile and flexible production system that is very aware of 10)contemporary marketing techniques and the need for strong marketing budgets.
  Korea makes between 50 to 100 movies a year, but films from one particular genre have become hits in the West.
  Berry: For foreigners watching Korean film, they often get the idea that Korea itself is a very violent society. However, Korean society itself is actually relatively peaceable and relatively safe. This violence in the cinema must, I think, reflect in some sense the difficult history of Korea.
  Korea’s 11)traumatic past is seen not only in films about war and division, but in violent action films. Some of the most popular have been directed by Chan-wook Park. He found international 12)cult status with his Vengeance 13)trilogy: Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Old Boy and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
  Old Boy won second prize注1 at the Cannes Film
  Festival in 2004 and had a limited international run thanks to the involvement of American director Quentin Tarantino注2.
  Old Boy is a clever Korean reinvention of the classic
  Hollywood action thriller. The 14)unwitting protagonist is kidnapped for 15 years. Then he’s given five days and a series of clues to exact his revenge on his kidnapper,
  Woo-jin Lee.
  Director Park’s trilogy came to a predictable 15)blood-curdling conclusion with Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. Once again it 16)revolves around kidnap and murder.
  Film Critic: The director thinks that kidnapping and
  17)confinement is a good way to talk about forgiveness and 18)salvation. That’s what it’s all about.
  The Vengeance trilogy put South Korean films on the international festival 19)circuit. With a distinctly Korean style the films picked up 20)numerous awards and came close to winning the 21)prestigious Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.
  Berry: Chan-wook Park’s
  Revenge series has had a huge impact outside Korea, in particular in Europe and The United States, where this idea of Asian extreme has taken hold, and the association of Korean cinema – and also some Japanese cinema, with 22)ultra-violence and horror – has taken hold. The result is a kind of branding of Korean cinema in the West that maybe doesn’t 23)correspond to the local image of Korean cinema.
  The Future
  South Korea’s movies were built on the stories of the country’s scarred history. As the country develops, there will undoubtedly be numerous stories waiting to be told –
  experiences 24)unparalleled anywhere else. And there is a new generation of filmmakers ready to bring them to life on the big screen.
  Young Director: It’s people’s passion that makes the movies. There are a lot of people in the industry, not for money or anything else, but because they love movies.
  Berry: Korean cinema is now at the 25)crest of a wave. Ironically, Korean friends of mine constantly predict this wave is going to break and the end is 26)nigh. Maybe this is part of the Korean state of emergency 27)mentality. But they’ve been predicting this for years now. And yet every year more Korean films are made. They seem to get a higher share of box office. There seem to be more and more Korean films being exported. So far they’re still surfing the crest of that wave with no sign of it breaking.
  Every year, film schools are filled with aspiring directors hoping to find their voice in the country’s booming cinema industry. They are the future of the Korean Wave.
  韩国饱受创伤的过去不仅表现在关于战争和分裂的电影中,在暴力动作片里也有体现。其中最受欢迎的几部电影由朴赞郁执导。他的“复仇三部曲”(《我要复仇》、《老男孩》和《亲切的金子》) 使其在国际上风靡一时。
  注1:戛纳电影节的首奖为金棕榈奖(the Golden Palm),二奖为评审会大奖(the Grand Prix)。2004年,这两个奖项分别由纪录片《华氏911》(Fahrenheit 9/11)和《老男孩》获得。
  注2:昆汀·塔伦蒂诺,美国著名导演,以其极具个人风格的暴力美学著称。他凭着《落水狗》(Reservoir Dogs)一举成名,《低俗小说》(Pulp Fiction)随后横扫各大电影节。继《杀死比尔》(Kill Bill)系列轰动一时后,昆汀2009年的新作《无耻混蛋》(Inglourious Basterds)获得了影评和观众的一致肯定,全球票房成绩骄人。
不知道从什么时候开始,很多人喜欢在开心网、博客、空间等转载澳门美食地图。大利来猪扒包、  沙度娜木糠布甸、安德鲁饼店葡挞、冯记猪脚姜、雅馨缅甸美食、礼记冰淇淋、荣记豆腐面食、钜记手信、恒友鱼旦……(Rico抢着说:“还有陈光记烧腊店的烧鸭、盛记白粥的绿茶豆腐花……”被pia飞)只要想起这些,Grace总想马上飞奔到澳门,一次吃个够。所以打算到澳门玩的同学,千万不要错过这些美食哦!    Macau
An emperor in the Far East was growing old and knew it was time to choose his successor[继承者]. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or his children, he   decided on something different. He called
还记得我们今年8月号“新闻广角镜”里介绍的纸屋吗?这次我们在美国又发现了稻草屋。稻草还能造房子?一起来看看这种新型的环保建筑材料。    In the story of the three little pigs, the one who built his house of straw did not fare[进展,遭遇] well; the big, bad wolf huffed[吹气]
The Idea  This all began on the train to Cardiff注1,   1)appropriately enough, because Mark and I were both working on different episodes of Dr. Who注2, and we sit on the train together – we always get
以前一说起澳门,人们总是马上想到它的博彩业,但近年来澳门大力发展多元经济,博彩业已经不是吸引人们到澳门旅游的唯一原因了。  从地图上看,你会发现澳门真的很小,不仔细看的话很可能就错过了。但小也有其好处——每走两步就是一个景点,很适合喜欢闲逛的游客。澳门的经济或许比不上香港,也不是购物天堂,但其浓郁的殖民地气息及恬静悠闲的氛围吸引着游客的到来。  葡萄牙对澳门的殖民统治长达四百多年,其影响渗透至澳门
You were in college  Working part-time waitin’ tables  Left a small town  Never looked back  I was a flight risk  With a fear of fallin’  Wondering why we bother with love  If it never lasts    I say,
你试想过如果福尔摩斯与华生穿越到21世纪会怎样吗——身处手机、电脑与网络的包围,贝克街221号乙与高楼林立的背景遥相呼应,还有先进的实验室设备以及现代法医学协助破案?2010年当之无愧的年度英剧《新福尔摩斯》将无数粉丝一直以来的幻想变为现实,让年轻的福尔摩斯与华生踏遍伦敦的大街小巷,展开全新的探案历险之旅!  这部每集长达90分钟的迷你剧原本只打算制作三集,谁知一开播就受到评论与粉丝的一致好评,成
一本好书值得仔细品味,永久珍藏。一位优秀的作家就如同《盗梦空间》里的造梦师——他们用自己别具一格的文字,创造出独一无二的世界,并带领读者畅游其中。相信蜂蜜们都是爱书之人,而且有不少是波特迷吧?魔幻小说在英国很受欢迎哦!下面就一起来了解了解最受英国人喜爱的几类体裁吧——文章介绍了许多有名的英国作家及其作品,有兴趣的同学不妨找一本来拜读一下哦~    Do you like reading books
I stayed in one place for too long  Gotta get on the run again  I saw the one thing that I want  Hell-bent[不顾一切], get outta bed  I’m throwing rocks at your window  You’re tying the bed sheets together
奥地利音乐家古斯塔夫·马勒(1860-1911)被视为新音乐的开路先锋。有人评价说,马勒的音乐是一面镜子,折射出上一个世纪之交,那个为新世纪来临的喜悦和对未来的恐惧所撕裂的时代。然而,这样一位音乐天才在其生活的年代更多被视为指挥家而不是作曲家。马勒去世50年后,他的大部分作品都不再为人所注意,只受到一小群人的推崇,直到一些著名指挥家的大力提倡,马勒的作品才重新受到关注。  2010年是马勒诞辰15