患者 ,男 ,65岁 ,于 2 0 0 0年 11月 13日因“慢性支气管炎”咳嗽、咯血痰就诊于本院。予安络血 (江苏省金坛市制药厂生产 ,批号 990 3 3 0 1) 2ml右侧臀部肌肉注射 ,约 5分钟后患者突感臀部胀痛不适。查注射部位无渗血 ,皮色正常无皮疹 ,整个右侧臀部肿胀 ,充实无波动感。患
Patient, male, 65 years old, was admitted to our hospital for “chronic bronchitis” cough and hemoptysis on November 13, 2000. To the network of blood (Jintan City, Jiangsu Province, pharmaceutical production, batch number 9903301) 2ml right hip muscle injection, about 5 minutes after the patient suddenly felt buttocks discomfort pain. Check injection site no bleeding, normal skin color rash, swelling of the entire right hip, full of no fluctuations. Suffering