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“成由勤俭败由奢”。太平天国洪秀全的昙花一现,建国初刘青山、张子善被“糖弹”的击中,还有今天的禹作敏之流,等等,都应验了这条古训,说明“勤俭是成功之师,奢侈是万恶之源”。“勤俭”就是从小事做起,甚至是从生活小事做起,才能防微杜渐。党的干部是人民的公仆,勤俭办事,少花人民一分钱、多为人民干一份事,又是党性的一种表现。“勤俭”就是要不懈怠地努力工作,一心为公,不求索取,为民拥护,岂有不成功之理。我们党是无产阶级政党,立党为公,要求每一个共产党员牢记为共产主义,为党和国家的事业,为人民利益奋斗终生。“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”。在改革开放和建立社会主义市场经济的条件下,绝不能动摇和改变。要廉洁奉公,自觉抵制拜金主义,极端个人主义和腐朽生活方式的侵蚀,永葆共产党的本色。作为党的干部,无论职位高低,官职大小,权力都是人民给的,当官就要为人民作主,为人民服务,这是为官之根本所在。要诚心诚意为群众谋利益,办实事,为官一任,造福一方,要像锦州市委书记张鸣岐、阿里地委书记孔繁森那样,严于律己,勤政爱民,受社会之尊重,人民之信赖,群众之拥戴,只有像他们这样,才能保证我们党的事业兴旺发达。 “Into the luxury by the frugality.” The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Hong Xiuquan’s ephemerality, the founding of early Liu Castle Peak, Zhang Zishan was hit by “sugar bombs”, and today’s Yu Zuomin stream, and so on, have fulfilled this ancient saying that “Thrift is the division of success, extravagance is evil source of”. “Thrifty” is to start from a small thing, and even start from the small things in life, in order to prevent minor errors gradually. The cadres of the party are the public servants of the people who do things industriously and diligently, spend a penny less on the people, do more for the people, and are a manifestation of the party spirit. “Diligence and thrift” means that you should work hard without slacking off your mind and do not seek justice and support for the people. As our party is a proletarian party and a party is for the public, we must keep every party member firmly in mind as communism, as a cause for our party and our state, and strive for the interests of the people for life. “Fear of the world and worry, after the world of music and music.” Under the conditions of reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economy, we must not waver and change. We must be honest and serve the public and consciously resist the erosion of money worship, extreme individualism and decadent lifestyles, and forever preserve the true nature of the Communist Party. As cadres of the party, no matter the rank of seniority, the size and power of official posts are given by the people, the officials should serve the people and serve the people. This is the fundamental task for the officials. We should conscientiously and sincerely work for the interests of the masses, do practical things, serve as an official for the benefit of one party. Like Jinming Municipal Committee Zhang Mingqi and Ali prefectural party secretary Kong Fansen, they are strict with themselves, diligently and loving the people, respected by society, trusted by the people and masses Only by doing like this can we ensure the prosperity of our party’s cause.
乙炔是焊割作业中不可缺少的一种能源。随着科学技术的发展,产生了一种新的节约能源、减少公害、使用方便、安全可靠的新产品──溶解乙炔。 溶解乙炔在使用中,也不同程度地
Objectives Clopidogrel is a prodrug that has to be converted to an active metabolite by hepatic cytochrome P450(CYP) isoenzymes to inhibit platelet aggregation.
In this study,a T-maze-based frustration model in rats was established using sucrose-reward de-privation.The results revealed that rats maintained a 75% prefere