
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goove8
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Rebamipide has a broad spectrum of pharmacological actions that include suppression of neutrophil functions and stimulation of mucosal epithelial cell regeneration by increasing the expression of epithelial growth factor (EGF) and the EGF receptor. Sixteen patients with active ulcerative colitis (UC; mild in 1 patient, moderate in 11, and severe in 4) were recruited. Enemas containing 150 mg rebamipide per dosing were administered during the daytime after passage of stool, twice a day for 4 weeks. UC disease activity index (UC-DAI), endoscopic activity index (EAI), and Floren’ s grading (FG) of mucosal biopsy specimens were measured at entry and at 4 weeks. Five of 16 patients did not complete the study, and therefore, final efficacy assessment was done on 11 patients who completed the 4 weeks of treatment. Improvements were observed in UC-DAI (P = 0.0049),EAI (P = 0.0043), and FG(P = 0.0084). There was no serious rebamipide-related side effect in any of the 16 patients. In conclusion, rebamipide topical therapy appears to be effective for the treatment of mildly to moderately active distal UC. Further controlled studies are warranted for this promising drug. Rebamipide has a broad spectrum of pharmacological actions that include suppression of neutrophil functions and stimulation of mucosal epithelial cell regeneration by increasing the expression of epithelial growth factor (EGF) and the EGF receptor. Sixteen patients with active ulcerative colitis (UC; mild in 1 patient , moderate in 11, and severe in 4) were recruited. Enemas containing 150 mg rebamipide per dosing were administered during the daytime after passage of stool, twice a day for 4 weeks. UC disease activity index (UC-DAI), endoscopic activity index (EAI), and Floren ’s grading (FG) of mucosal biopsy specimens were measured at entry and at 4 weeks. Five of 16 patients did not complete the study, and therefore, final efficacy assessment was done on 11 patients who completed the 4 weeks of treatment. Improvements were observed in UC-DAI (P = 0.0049), EAI (P = 0.0043), and FG (P ​​= 0.0084) There was no serious rebamipide-related side effect in any of the 16 patients. , Further controlled studies are warranted for this promising drug.
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