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建随着《档案法》、《机关档案业务 设规范》、《机关档案工作条例》的宣传、贯彻,机关文书立卷质量不断提高.但部分单位仍存在“三不统一”的现象:1.分类不统一.机关文书立卷每年一个分类方法,或一年中在同一层次上既按机构分类,又按内容分类;类与类之间的内容相互交叉包容等.2.卷内义件排列不统一.同类文件组成的案卷,每年的义件排列方法和顺序不统一.3.案卷排列不统一.无论是按年度—机构分类还是按年度—内容分类立卷,组成的案卷,每年的排列顺序不统一.比如今年办公室形成的案卷排第一,明年又排第三,甚至与其他股室交叉等等.机关文书立卷中存在的上述“三不统一”,严重影响档案质量,不利于搞好机关档案工作.为适应社会经济发展的需要,充分发挥档案为社会主义两个文明建设服务的作用,更好地为机关上作服务,机关文书立卷必须变“三不统一”为“三统一”,即应做到“分类统一,案内文件排列统一,案卷排列统一”.其好处是:1.系统地、有机地反映机关工作活动的历史面貌,较准确地反映机关工作的职能、工作内容及机构演变等;便于 With the promotion and implementation of the “Archives Law”, the “Regulations on Archives Business” and the “Regulations on the Work of Archives and Archives”, the quality of government documents and legislation has been continuously raised, but some units still have the phenomenon of “three unification”: 1. Classification is not uniform.Annual paperwork volume of the classification of a year, or at the same level in a year by both the classification of institutions, according to the content classification; class and class content between cross-tolerance and so on .2. Not uniform. The same file composed of files, the annual arrangement of the pieces of meaning and the order is not uniform .3. File arrangement is not uniform. Whether by year - agency classification or by the year - the contents of the classification of the volume, the composition of the file, the annual arrangement The order is not uniform, for example, this year the office formed the first case file, next year ranked third, or even intersect with other stock room, etc. The existence of the above-mentioned “three non-uniform” in the instruments of writing, seriously affecting the quality of the file is not conducive In order to meet the needs of social and economic development, give full play to the role of archives in serving the two civilizations of socialism and serve the organs better, the volume of organs and instruments must be changed “ Three unification ”and“ three unification ”, that is to say, the principle of“ uniform classification, uniform arrangement of the files in the case and unification of the case files ”should be achieved. The advantages are: 1. systematically and organically reflecting the history of the work activities of the organs, Reflect the functions of the work of organs, work content and institutional evolution, etc .; easy
7.1苏联国家档案全宗文件的利用组织和制度7.1.01 保存在国家档案馆的苏联国家档案全宗文件,被利用于政治、国民经济、科学和社会文化目的,以及保障公民的权利和正当利益.7.1
《音码整理检索档案法》就是给“档案库”中的每一档案编注代码并明确定位,档案人员依据档案代码,对档案进行整理和检索。 应用代码整理、检索档案的最大特点是:精确细致,迅
NO.1香港警察机动部队创立的历史香港警察机动部队(PoliceTactical Unit,简称PTU)是香港政府为应付突发事件而组建的一支机动力量,由于他们头戴的是蓝色软帽,俗称“蓝帽子”
在清初杜诗研究的大合唱中 ,有一个影响深远的杜诗注本 ,但其著者及本书由于年代久远 ,变得鲜为人知 ,那就是顾宸的《辟疆园杜诗注解》。本文即拟对其人及其书作一番介绍 ,以