Due to various factors such as the weather, the problem of large area irregularity missing in satellite remote sensing chlorophyll data has been a hot research topic in the field of remote sensing data and hindered the application of satellite data. Therefore, the reconstruction and reanalysis of satellite remote sensing data has become an important issue. It is of great significance to extend the application range of remote sensing data and improve its data utilization efficiency in obtaining the complete spatiotemporal data in the sea of interest. Aiming at these problems, based on the need of studying the temporal and spatial variation of chlorophyll in the East China Sea, including the time scale of weather process, combined with the advantages of multivariate mathematical methods such as DINEOF method and optimal interpolation, we successfully construct and develop multi-scale The optimal interpolation, the second revision of the multivariate DINEOF method, referred to as DINEOF-OI method. How to effectively allocate the influence weight of the observed data on the time-series and the reconstructed data in the spatial field depends on the specific target of the study, which is an important idea innovation of the research. Based on this method, the satellite remote sensing chlorophyll data in the East China Sea near 10 years have been successfully reconstructed, and the multi-scale changes of surface chlorophyll in the East China Sea, including the weather scale, have been successfully described.