Stress Relaxation and Creep of Straw Bales

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlayumi
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Loading ability of straw bales was tested by using an Electronical Testing Machine.Linear regression models were proposed to describe the loading ability as a function of failure density and compressing energy.Based on an exponent model,the testing compression coefficients of straw bales were estimated by using the Levenberg–Marquardt Method.Results showed that the relation among failure density,loading ability and compressing energy was linear in the phase of high density.Loading ability of straw bales could meet the requirement for building bills. Loading ability of straw bales was tested by using an Electronical Testing Machine .Linear regression models were to describe the loading ability as a function of failure density and compressing energy.Based on an exponent model, the testing compression coefficients of straw bales were estimated by using the Levenberg-Marquardt Method. Results showed that the relation among failure density, loading ability and compressing energy was linear in the phase of high density. Bread ability of straw bales could meet the requirement for building bills.
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