Based on the general equilibrium theoretical framework, this paper analyzes the inflation welfare costs and seigniorage issues. And based on the data of China, GMM measurement method is used to estimate the model parameters. The cost of inflation and welfare and seigniorage in China are estimated. We find that during the sample period (1978-2013), the seigniorage tax in China is between 0.0125 and 0.0238, and the inflation and welfare cost is between -0.0021 and 0.0243. Under low inflation, the revenue of seigniorage in China is relatively high ; If the inflation rate is high, our government controls the inflation rate, so that the inflation rate is reduced, generally speaking, a Pareto improvement; when the annual inflation rate is not higher than 0.2459, the net inflationary return is positive From this point of view, during the sample period, China’s inflation rate remained generally at a more appropriate level.