矮沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus nanus)是国家二级保护植物,是非常重要的珍稀濒危植物。由于受自身生物学特性、外界极端环境以及人类破坏的影响,矮沙冬青的种群在衰退。因此从了解其抗逆性入手,提高矮沙冬青培育技术,以达到保护珍稀濒危物种以及开发利用的目的。从抗旱、耐盐、抗寒等方面综合分析矮沙冬青在抗逆性方面的研究,同时对培育方式如引种繁殖、组织培养技术等几个方面阐述目前矮沙冬青培育技术方面的研究现状,并提出建议以期为今后的研究做出参考。
Ammopiptanthus nanus is a national secondary protection plant, which is a very important rare and endangered plant. Due to its own biological characteristics, the external environment and the impact of human destruction, Hollyhock populations decline. Therefore, we should start with the understanding of its resistance and improve the cultivation technology of Hollyhock dwarf so as to achieve the purpose of protecting rare and endangered species and their development and utilization. From the aspect of drought resistance, salt tolerance, cold resistance and so on, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the research on the stress resistance of Aesculiflora davidiana, and at the same time elaborates the research status quo of the current Aristido dwarfing cultivation technology in terms of breeding methods such as seed multiplication and tissue culture, And make suggestions to make reference for future research.