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   Serial entrepreneur David Moakler has seen his share of small business highs and lows.
   Still, Moakler, 50, charted his way to success after launching a company in 2005. It’s a Waxhaw based distributor of hotlines that helps employees facing personal challenges including massive debt and gambling addiction.
   An app, the company’s latest innovation, is timely, offering phone numbers to users struggling with suicide or abusive padners. News about the suicide of comedian Robin Williams and athletes facing domestic violence charges, he said, motivated him to add features that tap into contemporary issues.
   But creating a product that he hopes makes a difference would not have been possible, he said, if he had not leamed to embrace his mistakes, and even laugh at them. “You aren’t what you accom-plish and what you don’t,” he said. “You’re not your failures.” Ups and Downs Moakler’s myriad business ups and downs started when he was a college student in Rhode Island. Uninterested in classes on business theory and more intrigued by practical application, he started a carpet cleaning company that grew into a janitorial service with 22 employees. He sold it five years later.
   Seeking more sunshine, he moved to Charlotte in his mid-20s and began selling audio recordings of his own tips for helping entre-preneurs grow their businesses. He tumed it into a nationwide lec-ture series that lasted 18 months and toured 52 aties. After the tour, he published a catalog to sell more tapes but never got any orders.
   Idea Crystallized
   While he wishes he could “pluck out and rewrite” that part of his life, Moakler said what he’s leamed about compliance helps him find the nght service providers for his now-profitable business, a venture he formed after a 14-hour flight to Argentina.
   Next to him sat a social worker, frustrated that she did not have a go to list of trustworthy helplines to give to clients struggling with money.“By the time that plane landed in Buenos Aires, the idea had started to crystallize in my head,” Moakler said.
   Using card-stock paper and a toll-free telephone switchboard, Moakler started the company, distributing laminated inserts with helpline numbers to social workers. He soon began mass-producing the numbers on 11x17- inch posters that employers could hang in break rooms.
【摘 要】  本文强调对学生词语辨析能力,语法结构分析能力,语篇理解能力,逻辑推理能力,文化背景透析能力,生活常识综合运用能力等综合运用能力的考查以及语言知识的积累和复习。  【关键词】  完形填空 词汇 能力  完形填空为综合性考查题型,是考生基础知识和综合运用能力的体现,它是一种立意新,要求高的综合语言测试题,在高考英语考试中占有重要的作用。熟知高考完形填空的命题规律与完善解题技巧显得突为重要
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在《白说》中白岩松写道:“今天为你点赞,明天为你点杀,落差大到可以发电,你无处可躲。”点赞,似乎已成为这个时代的一种符号象征,然而时代更需要的是深入本质的思维方式。点赞决不能代替思考。  不久前一名青少年在网上直播自杀引发热议。面对当事人发布的自杀微博,网友呈现一边倒的倾向,纷纷嘲讽博主只为拉粉,甚至“点赞”“叫好”。这种非理性的点赞模式无疑为悲剧的发生起了重要的诱导作用。集群点赞、嘲讽点赞反映的
和许多英国的年轻人一样,凯瑞·穆丽根从小的梦想就是成为演员,投身自己热爱的表演事业。但同样和许多家长一样,她的父母并不支持她的演员梦想。然而,凯瑞并没有因此放弃。终于,19岁的凯瑞在编剧朱利安·费罗斯的妻子的介绍下参加了《傲慢与偏见》的试镜,凭借着自身的天分赢得了班奈特家的四女儿一角,开始了她的演艺之路,并在幾年后凭着在《成长教育》中的出色表演而一炮走红。   从《成长教育》到《了不起的盖茨比》
1、主谓关系中人称和数量不一致性   汉语的动词不受主语的人称和数的影响,但英语的谓语动词要和主语保持一致,谓语动词要随着主语而变化。而学生主要用汉语思维,因此他们往往没有习惯去考虑主语是第几人称,是单数还是复数。例如:   a. A number of students is going to learn a foreign language.   b. He go to school b
留学美国也有择校一说,相较于很多家长学生谙熟于心的常青藤大学,面对如何选择一所高中,让很多人感觉无从下手。那么你了解美国的“常青藤高中”吗?美国常青藤高中是美国顶尖高中,它们是众多学子们的申请对象。   霍奇基斯学校   霍奇基斯创建于1891年,是耶鲁大学校长以为耶鲁输送人才为目标而指导创办的百年高中。学校坐落于康涅狄格州的拉斯威利,鄰近纽约州和教育之都马萨诸塞州,地理位置十分优越。学校鼓励