TPR teaching methods used on Mandarin class

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  With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and rapid development of economy, China is in its new look To take more and more people from all walks of life’s attention from all over the world. As the carrier of Chinese culture Chinese have also been attracted worldwide attention. More and more people are involved in the wave of learning Chinese, Chinese Teaching is sweeping the world. However, due to the teaching methods and teaching ideas, many students have learned For many years, still bitter sigh Chinese difficult to learn Chinese. There exist in the traditional classroom teaching modern Chinese in the book Knowledge as the standard, teachers as the standard, in many aspects, such as lesson plans for standard, this kind of condition Led directly to the Chinese class in the form of a rigid and atmosphere depressing, produce the consequences of learning efficiency is low. yan Heavy influence the communication effect of the teaching of Chinese and Chinese culture. The author in a ACAMIS research by accident Please access to TPR teaching method at the meeting. This kind of teaching method in the Spanish and English teaching A great success.
  TPR (Total Physical Response) , also known as the whole body reaction method. Is by the U.S. SAN jose state university psychology professor James Asher to create a language teaching method. a A language is to follow the law of second language acquisition. Natural law refers to the second language acquisition: “In the case of natural or instruction have learn by consciously or unconsciously absorb the master the language The process of a language.”specifically include two types: one is the second language acquisition in daily communication So that through direct communication with native speakers and learning a second language; The second is the second classroom teaching Language acquisition, namely by the teacher in theclassroom teaching and learning a second language. James Asher based on human nature the regularity of second language acquisition, combining with his own research, explore the TPR teaching method. This kind of teaching method suitable for second language teaching.
  TPR teaching method is based on the science of pedagogy, psychology, and physiological basis New method of teaching language. Because of its design take the student as the center, with good relationship between teachers and students The foundation, students focus on their own more attention and is linked to his classroom. So it’s easy to make students In classroom teaching, learning with rapt attention. Not only let the students master the knowledge very soon, And to maintain a long memory. It is also a kind of new type communicative situation teaching method, Language functions as the core, clear emphasis on the students’ practical ability of oral communication to cultivate the students’ communication Habits and communication skills. All this teaching method is suitable for teaching Chinese as a foreign language.   TPR teaching method is a kind of based on the scientific theory of language teaching, its apparent Teaching is characterized by teacher verbal instructions issued for instructions (or a third person by telling a story), at the same time Demonstrate their corresponding meaning, body movements to help learners understand the instructions, wait for learners to charge Points to understand the meaning of statements, and then use body movements gives the right response. This kind of body language The combination of speech sound language teaching method is very unique, so that the students in the learning process, through reason Sign language, increase the self-confidence, learning a second language to grasp taught the language Capacity and reasonable to use the language communication ability. At the same time, it conforms to the language learning“Before said”linguistic rules, when students learn a foreign language, effectively release tension. Learn also Becomes more relaxed, students feel more confident.
  Through sufficient theoretical arguments of this paper and detailed teaching practice. TPR teaching is not only comfortable English, Spanish second language teaching, it is more suitable for Chinese teaching, can be used In teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The author will be aimed at next TPR on the negative impact of Chinese teaching To do further research, in view of the cause, a detailed analysis, find out the solution, further make the TPR The application of teaching method in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is more perfect.
  [1]Asher,J.(1996).Learning Another Language Through Actions(5th edn)[M].Los Gatos,CA:Sky Oaks Productions.
【摘要】随着英语教学改革的不断推进,提高学生写作能力迫在眉睫。英语写作是检验学生英语学习水平的一种方法,也是提高学生英语综合素质的有效途径。但现实多是学生英语写作能力普遍较低,在中考和高考中作文分数不高,这其中有老师教学方法的因素,也有学生自身的原因。本文主要探讨影响学生写作能力的主要因素,并提出相应的解决方法。  【关键词】英语教学 写作能力 教学现状 措施  英语写作能力是学生综合素质的体现。
【摘要】我国著名教育家陶行知先生曾经说过“教育要通过生活才能发出力量,成为真正的教育,课堂教学与生活有着密切联系”。在新课程背景下,关键任务是将课堂教学 “生活化”,要将教学活动置于现实的生活背景中。因此要尽可能多地为学生提供丰富的语言材料和语境,将学生家庭、学校、社会的生活经历与课堂教学活动联系起来,给学生营造生活化的课堂。  【关键词】教学内容 课堂教学 教学活动 教学评价  英语是一门工具性
【摘要】本文通过对微课堂教学概述、应用必要性以及微课堂实施重点等多个方面阐述微课堂在高中英语教学中的应用,弥补传统教学模式中的缺点与不足,充分调动学生学习的主动性,提高学生学习效率与英语课堂教学有效性。  【关键词】微课堂教学 高中英语教学 应用效果  现阶段,我国的高中英语教学中普遍存在学生需要在高中三年的学习时间中掌握新课程改革考试大纲中所有的英语知识,以方便学生应对考卷以及课堂提问的所有内容
【摘要】语言学习尤其是自己的母语一开始往往都是从“听”入手的。但我国学生大部分的高中英语教学开始时却是“看”,所以高中英语听力改革刻不容缓。本文研究的是英语教学中的图式理论,这是让听力理解过程可以说是听者的已有图式与输入信息相互作用的过程,听者只有在大脑活跃并调动利用自身生活经验所获得的知识的情况下才能理解新的内容。让高中生的英语听力课效率更高,也更为有效。  【关键词】英语听力 教学方法 图式理
一、实验背景  英语“四位一体”教学法(The English “Four-in-One” Teaching Approach)是包天仁教授经过20多年潜心学习、研究、实践、总结而创立的英语外语教学法。英语“四位一体”教学法自1997年开始在全国30多个省、自治区、直辖市进行了实验、再实验、扩大实验和推广性实验等共15轮实验研究工作,而且得到了实践的检验。2014年,《中国教育报》用了专版对此进行
【摘要】导入是传授新课前引导学生快速进入到学习状态中的行为方式。导入的过程也是为新课的呈现搭桥、铺路,为新知识的学习奠定好基础。本文将围绕导入教学,从以下几点展开讨论。  【关键词】英语教学 导入教学 技巧探索  引言  新课导入可以说是一节课的“序幕”,也是英语教师讲授每节新课时给学生留下的第一感知,是不断优化学生心境和语言学习环境的有效手段。良好的导入能将学生的心弦紧紧抓住,而且还使得英语课堂