Biomass estimation and uncertainty analysis based on CBERS-02 CCD camera data and field measurement

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruqianwusan3
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The study site is located in Qianyanzhou experimental station and the surrounding area. Based on CBERS-02 satellite data and field measurement, we not only discussed the relationship between NDVI and biomass of two species of coniferous plantations, namely, Pinus massoniana Lamb and Pinus elliottii Engelm, but also introduced the biomass models based on NDVI. The comparison between measured biomass in Qianyanzhou and biomass derived from CBERS-02 CCD data showed that it is feasible to estimate biomass based on NDVI. But its limitations cannot be ignored. This kind of model depends on the dominant vegetation species. There are some effect factors in estimating biomass based on NDVI. This paper analyzes these factors based on fine-resolution CBERS-02 CCD data and some conclusions are drawn: In Qianyanzhou, the area with good vegetation coverage, the nonlinearity of NDVI has little influence on scaling-up of NDVI. As a result of surface heterogeneity, scaling-up can cause NDVI within each pixel to change. Because scaling-up can cause pixel attribute to change, the applicability of biomass model is one of the sources of error in estimating biomass. Based on CBERS-02 satellite data and field measurement, we not only discussed the relationship between NDVI and biomass of two species of coniferous plantations, namely, Pinus massoniana Lamb and Pinus elliottii Engelm, but also introduced the biomass models based on NDVI. The comparison between measured biomass in Qianyanzhou and biomass derived from CBERS-02 CCD data showed that it is feasible to estimate biomass based on NDVI. But its limitations can not be ignored. model depends on the dominant vegetation species. There are some effect factors in estimating biomass based on NDVI. This paper based on these factors based on fine-resolution CBERS-02 CCD data and some of collins: In Qianyanzhou, the area with good vegetation coverage , the nonlinearity of NDVI has little influence on scaling-up of NDVI. As a result of surface heterogeneity, scaling-up can cause NDVI within each pixel to change. Because scaling-up can cause pixel attribute to change, the applicability of biomass model is one of the sources of error in estimating biomass.
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