How Does CAEXPO Serve as a Wind Vane in the Region?

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  In terms of China-ASEAN cooperation in 2016, there will be a host of favorable opportunities: the political mutual trust and relationship between ASEAN and China will be enhanced when commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relationship between the two sides; more bilateral cooperative projects relating to the Belt and Road will be implemented this year; with the agreements on an upgraded version of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) being successfully signed, cooperation in all respects will be faced with much more business opportunities. In addition to this, the year 2016 marks the signing of RCEP and the implementation of AIIB, and it is also named as the Year of China-ASEAN Education Exchanges.
  People’s Expectations
  CAEXPO as a major international event has been playing a pivot role in promoting the friendly cooperation between ASEAN and China, as well as providing the due services and supports for the construction of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road over the years, which is not only co-hosted by China and ASEAN countries in the region but also extra-regional RCEP member states. Moreover, it was listed as one of China’s state-level events concerning foreign affairs (the others are Boao Forum for Asia and Summer Davos) in 2014.
  According to the statements of Executive Director of China-ASEAN Business Council Xu Ningning, he stated that CAEXPO serves as a classical public platform created by the 10 ASEAN states and China. Works should be done to better live up to ASEAN’s expectations of CAEXPO by seizing the new historic opportunities, in accordance to the requirements of the Belt and Road Initiative. He also suggested that efforts should be made to strengthen the bilateral cooperation in hosting CAEXPO, increasing the actual economy and trade effects brought by this event, as well as optimizing the preparations and organization of the relevant summits.
  Five Cooperation Priorities
  CAEXPO can be traced back to the establishment and development of CAFTA, with a view to creating a platform for seeking business opportunities relating to the region. As can be seen from the previous CAEXPOs, there are not only a series of exhibitions and business talks, but also various summits attended by government officials, entrepreneurs and scholars & professionals from the region.
  The first priority of the 13th CAEXPO is to promote China-ASEAN cooperation to a higher level on the basis of the themes, contents and activities concerning the Belt and Road Initiative. Efforts should be made to highlight five cooperation priorities of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative—policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds—through organizing the relevant forums or activities.   Expansion of Major Fields
  The Vice President of CCEES (China Convention/Exhibition/Event Society) Li Yongjiang noted that the theme of the 13th CAEXPO should further embody the co-building of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, as well as give prominence to the cooperation in the fields of international capacity, equipment manufacturing, infrastructure connectivity, etc. Besides, with the upgrading of CAFTA, works should be done to push forward the tariff concession, service trade, and opening up to the field of investment, and boost China-ASEAN cooperation in politics, economy and trade, capacity, society, humanity, environmental protection, etc. In addition, the 13th CAEXPO should draw on the establishment of AEC to contribute to the cooperation between ASEAN and China in all respects by linking the construction of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with the development of AEC.
  Continuous Innovation and Upgrade
  Throughout the CAEXPO history over the past 12 years, continuous innovation conforming to the current situation serves as the development strategy of CAEXPO. The sponsors have been sparing no efforts in upgrading the summit functions, cooperation mechanisms and value chains, and so on. For example, in 2014, as the negotiation and cooperation on RCEP became the hot topic and growth pole, the sponsors of CAEXPO invited the member states of RCEP to be present in the relevant activities, making significant contributions to the economic development on a larger scale. Holding exhibitions in ASEAN countries is a beneficial attempt to expand the influence of CAEXPO. In 2015, the overseas exhibition of CAEXPO was firstly held in Thailand, making fruitful achievements in promoting China-Thailand cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. As for 2016, Vietnam (the country of honor of the 13th CAEXPO) will be the new overseas stops of CAEXPO.
中国和东盟唇齿相依,双方不仅享有共同的利益和诉求,还肩负着共同的命运和责任。其中,经贸合作作为双方合作的主旋律一直推动着双方关系向前发展,从2004年战略伙伴的建立到2010年中国—东盟自贸区建成,再到如今中国—东盟自贸区升级版的如期成立,双边经贸关系不断迈上新台阶,在为海丝建设、东盟共同体建设添砖加瓦的同时,更为构建中国—东盟命运共同体增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。  “中国—东盟自由贸易区升级版谈判完
随着世界新一轮产业结构调整,服务业和服务贸易在各国经济中的地位正在不断提升,国际产业的重心也将逐步从制造业向服务业转移。在中国—东盟最新签署的《中华人民共和国与东南亚国家联盟关于修订〈中国—东盟全面经济合作框架协议〉及项下部分协议的议定书》(以下简称《议定书》)中,服务贸易方面取得了诸多突破。  中国—东盟自贸区升级版聚焦服务贸易,不仅将提振双边服务贸易,也将为双方服务业的发展提供更为开放的舞台。
2014年毕业于广西民族大学对外汉语专业的小杨,2015年结束了她在泰国马哈沙拉坎大学的汉语教学工作,回到了中国。随着“汉语热”在泰国的不断升温,越来越多像小杨一样的中国学子赴泰教授汉语。他们在以专业知识提升泰国汉语教学水平的同时,也扮演起了“友好使者”的角色。  但在泰国汉语教育需求大跨步向前之时,其国内参差不齐的汉语教育水平显然已跟不上市场的步伐。随着自贸区升级版谈判的达成,泰国教育部门做出了
International logistics as an emerging operating mode of modern logistics plays an increasingly important role in international trade and global resource allocation. In this context, Qinzhou Free Trad
这里是中国南大门的重要门户,这里是中国—东盟人流、物流、车流的必经地和集中地,这里是中新经济走廊“金腰带”的黄金节点,这里就是广西崇左。崇左市作为连接中国西南、华南、中南以及东盟大市场的枢纽和出海、陆路通道,发挥着重要的枢纽作用。而且随着“一带一路”以及中国—东盟自贸区升级版建设的推进,作为自贸区的门户城市、口岸城市,崇左也将迎来更多的商机。  良好的基础条件以及中国—东盟日益紧密的合作关系,让中
产业是北部湾经济区发展的根本,是经济区发展的后劲所在。广西北部湾经济区的14个重点产业园区在经过多年发展后,已初步形成了富有特色的产业体系。不过,伴随着经济的深入发展,原有粗放式开发、功能单一的产业园区建设模式已难以承载新的发展诉求。在此背景下,打造“产城融合”发展新格局成为了当前众多产业园区转型升级的新模式。  功能定位与城市发展相契合  “产城融合”是指以城市为基础,承载产业空间和发展产业经济
经历了2015年马来西亚经济放缓和马币疲软后,马来西亚房地产业一度大受影响,不仅行将缓慢,而且处境尴尬,使众多投资者纷纷驻足观望,不敢越雷池一步。  日前,马来西亚SwhengTee国际房地产投资者俱乐部创办人、马来西亚房地产著名专家顾问拿督斯里郑水兴接受了本刊的专访。在采访中,郑水兴重点分析了马来西亚房地产在2016年及以后的走向及“东盟效应”对马来西亚房地产业的影响,并大胆断言此刻是投资马来西
2013年10月, 中国国家主席习近平在出访印度尼西亚期间,提出了构建21世纪“海上丝绸之路”的构想。而仅在此一个月之前,他到访哈萨克斯坦,提出了建设丝绸之路经济带的倡议。随后,在2014年7月巴西举行的峰会上,金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非) 酝酿成立新的开发银行。同年秋天,中国倡导成立亚洲基础设施投资银行。目前,中国正为发展中国家的重大基础设施工程提供方案计划。  始于罗马时代、贯穿
文化,作为一个民族对外交流的“名片”,在国与国之间的交往中扮演着越来越重要的作用。中国国家民族事务委员会,作为世界了解中国民族情况、民族政策、民族文化的窗口,历年来充分发挥民族文化的优势,扶持中国民族文化“走出去”,在世界舞台上展现中国民族的独特魅力。  近几年,伴随着中国—东盟双边经贸关系的不断发展,中国与东盟就加强人文交往与文化交流的重要性和必要性方面达成越来越多的共识。中国国家民族事务委员会