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  To Be a Writer
  江苏省溧阳市初级中学初二(3)班 孔 瑶
   I still remember clearly that at the age of three to seven years old, my mother told fairy tales to me every night. With the interesting fairy tales, I fell asleep gradually and had a nice dream. I grow up with them so I have a pleasant childhood. I loved them so much that I was determined to become a writer. In that case, I can write more funny fairy tales to other children. When I was a little girl, I became interested in reading. So far, I have read many interesting books, which are from home and abroad, such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Arabian Nights, Little Snow-white, and so on. I have learned how to write articles since I went to school. I find it interesting to write articles, especially about fairy tales. I don’t know if my books about fairy tales can be published when I grow up. In spite of this, I really love writing stories just as I read in the books. It is my fun to insist on writing. I also want my stories to make others happy. So in my ordinary life, I often try to tell my classmates about the stories which are written all by myself. They have become interested in my stories. This makes me feel very happy and confident.
  But I know that my knowledge is not enough to write excellent stories. What can I do now? It is no doubt that I must work hard to get ready for the dream. Only in this way, can I realize my dream.
  【点评】本文小作者热情洋溢的介绍了她长大想当一名作家的理想。通过回忆小时候对童话的喜爱,直接切入主题,表达自然,得体;在文章结尾部分,小作者表达了当作家的决心,更让人感觉她对作家梦的喜爱,文章一气呵成,完整流畅。难得的是小作者为了使行文流畅不但灵活的运用了各种句式,还应用了so far, such as, It is no doubt that…, only in this way等短语和句式。此外,文中小作者回忆了她小时候的趣事,这也为文章增色不少。唯一缺憾的是,有些语运用不够恰当,如at the age of…短语后不能再接years old, write more funny fairy tales to other children中的to用for比较恰当。
  To Run to the Sun in the Heart
  江苏省溧阳市社渚初级中学初二(3)班 任 露
  In the First Class which was broadcast by CCTV at the beginning of this term in 2011, I was deeply moved by a blind child called Liu Hao. I feel that he is just the man who is running to the sun.
  He lost his sight when his mother gave birth to him. However, we can not imagine how many difficulties Liu Hao has overcome in his life and study. He could not see the piano keys, so he tried to touch them one by one with his fingers. When he wanted to visit the master workers, they gave him their ice-cold faces. He was once refused by more than 40 teachers. It is an extremely heavy strike for any common man. Even though little Liu Hao met so many difficulties, he held them out calmly. Because he has had a firm faith in his mind. That is to become a talented musician in the near future. We should learn from his noble quality and spirit.
  From now on, I will learn from him. I shall work harder than ever so as to get ready for the future. I am going to run to the sun in my heart all the time.
  【点评】本文作者在收看了中央电视台播放的节目《开学第一课》后,被节目中小刘浩的事迹深深打动。文中叙述了小刘浩自幼双目失明却顽强地与命运抗争,最终在弹钢琴方面有所成就的感人事迹。文章行文连贯,观点鲜明,条理清晰,语言流畅。在语言方面,有复杂结构如:定语从句、状语从句、被动语态等句式的运用非常妥当,可见小作者英语水平很棒。另外when, however, from now on, so as to 等词的运用使文章显得逻辑性强。
【摘 要】 思维导图是当前新的课标体系下提出的一种比较新型的教学手段,教师在实际的教学中合理采用思维导图的方式可以有效培养和提升学生的创新思维能力。教师应该合理采用思维导图的方法,有效调动学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,促使他们更加积极主动地投入到英语的学习中,同时有效提升学生的学习质量。  【关键词】 思维导图 高中英语教学 应用  高中英语最关键的是要积累词汇,大量阅读,正确掌握英语的一些基本语法
1. “Could you please pass me the book?” “____.” (2011青岛)  A. Yes, I couldB. No, I couldn’t  C. Sure. Here you areD. No, that’s no problem  【解析】C考查交际用语。根据Could you please pass me the book?“请你把书递给我,好吗?
本文系广州市花都区教育科学“十三五”规划2016年立项课题《高中生语文学习探究能力培养策略的研究》,立项编号:2016*39。  摘要:探究能力的培养是高中语文教学的重要任务。这符合高中生心理和思维发展的规律,符合现代社会对人才的要求,同时更是他们高考应考的必备能力。教师是课堂教学的设计者和实施者,课堂教学中,提问的设计对学生探究能力的培养极为重要,好的提问能激发学生探究的兴趣和积极性,最大限度地
【摘 要】 英语教学听说训练使得初中生能够更有兴趣和精力投入学习,能有效的提升了初中生的英语学习水平。  【关键词】 初中英语 听说训练 研究  随着新课程改革的推进,初中生的英语听说能力得到了有效的锻炼和提升,学生的学习兴趣得到了有效激发,学习自主性和积极性不断增强,越来越多的学生对于学习英语由“厌学”到“爱学”,课堂氛围越来越好。  1. 新课标教学对于学生进行英语听说训练的教学现状  虽然新
摘要:中国是诗的国度。千百年来,涌现了成千上百杰出的诗人和不计其数的优秀诗篇。咏物诗以某一物为描写对象,着意描摹其某些特征,借以抒发诗人的思想感情。咏物诗以它独特的、不可抗拒的魅力吸引和感染了一代又一代的读者。  关键词:鉴赏;思想;情感  “咏物诗”的鉴赏频繁出现在高考试题中,如2000年北京卷考查虞世南的《蝉》,2004年北京卷考查苏轼的《红梅》,2008年广东卷考查吕本中的《木芙蓉》,200
1. The population of the world in 20th century became very much ____ than that in 19th.  A. biggerB. largerC. greaterD. more  答案:B (选择其它三项的同学要注意population的固定搭配是large。)   2. Miss Li is one of ____ in o
摘要:再好的范式也不可能适应所有课堂、任何学生,因为课堂是动态的,组成这个课堂的关键因素一直处于变化的状态,只有用心去感知课堂、感知教材、感知学生的状态而生成的教学法才是最好的教法,正所谓适合的就是最好的。  关键词:教学有法;教无定法;贵在得法  2017年兰州市教育局大力倡导初中数学教师向李庾南老师学习,学习她的“自学.议论.引导”教学法,并成立了实验校。我听了李庾南老师的好几节课,也听了其徒
【摘 要】 阅读能力是初中生学习英语的重要素质,本文就如何提高初中学生的英语阅读能力进行探讨,以期通过正确的策略和方法提高学生的英语阅读能力。  【关键词】 初中学生 英语阅读能力 研究  培养学生的阅读能力是初中英语教学的重要任务之一。英语的阅读能力就是从书面语言材料中了解文章大意、抽取有用信息的能力。阅读是学生获取新知的主要手段,提高初中学生的英语阅读能力,不仅能使学生更好地了解文章大意,还能
【摘 要】 英语阅读教学是英语教学的核心部分,不管是课内还是课外,作为一名英语教师都需要引导学生进行海量的阅读,掌握英语阅读的方法技巧,体会英语阅读的情趣,体验英语阅读的无穷魅力。以阅读助力英语高效学习,掌握知识,开阔视野,提高英语写作水平。  【关键词】 英语阅读 高效学习 阅读习惯 阅读技巧 写作水平  阅读是英语教学中重要的一环,是学好英语的主要途径。“问渠哪得清如许?为有源头活水来。”这句
每年教师节前,很多学生家长为了表达尊师重教的心情,再三邀请老师赴宴。  与一家长协商:饭不吃,请在教师节时,以班级名义给每位老师送一束花。家长爽快地答应了。