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以往应试教育下的教学过分重视考试分数,学校追求升学率,学生期望上重点。这种教育在一定时期内对教育的发展起了推动作用。但是,随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,对人才培养提出了新的标准,传统的教育模式已经不能适应时代的发展,成为教育发展的绊脚石,教育改革势在必行,这是大势所趋。改 In the past, the teaching under the exam-oriented education paid too much attention to the test scores, the rate at which the school pursued the higher education, and the students’ expectations were focused. This kind of education has played a catalytic role in the development of education during a certain period of time. However, with the rapid development of social economy in our country, new standards have been set for personnel training. The traditional education model can no longer meet the requirements of the times and has become a stumbling block to education development. Education reform is imperative. This is the trend of the times. change
对一名部下,“上司”意味着什么?  也许很多人会马上想到“权力”、“拍板”、“威风”、“能干”、“英明”、“胸怀”……  作为一个上司,我会说:“上司”是人,而且是普通人。  想必很多人会奇怪:“按你这样说,上司和部下又有何区别呢?”  那我想对质疑者说:你如果想和上司和谐相处,甚至“管理”你的上司,就必须从你和上司的共同点去着眼与着手,而绝不能从区别入手……    学会让上司保持“平衡”    