张裕钊 ( 1 82 3- 1 894)字廉卿 ,号濂亭 ,出生于鄂州市东沟镇龙塘村的一个书香世家。 1 6岁考取秀才 ,1 846年中举 ,被乡里视为“文曲星”。 1 85 0年 ,考取国子监学政 ,官授内阁中书。主试官曾国藩赏识其才 ,亲自召见。张与吴汝纶、黎庶昌、薛福成并称为“曾门四子”。因深得
Zhang Yuzhao (1 82 3- 1 894) The word Lian Qing, No. 濂 Pavilion, was born in Ezhou Donggou town of Long Tong Village, a scholar family. 16-year-old to obtain scholar, cited in 1846, was the village as “Wenquxing.” In 1850, the examinations of the Imperial College administration, officials in the cabinet book. The main judge Zeng Guofan appreciated talent, personally summoned. Zhang and Wu Ru-lun, Li Shuchang, Xue Fucheng and known as “Zeng Men Si Zi.” Because of won