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修辞手法是修饰语言的技巧,运用它,能提高语言的表达效果。古代诗人在写诗时,也注意运用修辞手法来增强作品的艺术性与感染力。了解古诗修辞手法,不仅能深化学生对古诗的理解,而且还可以增长学生知识,陶冶学生情操,使他们得到美的享受。在引导学生欣赏古诗时,更有必要把常见修辞手法在古诗中的妙用讲给学生,让课堂充满生趣,使学生在美妙的意境中受到熏陶。这里,我就谈谈一些常见修辞手法在小学古诗中的妙用。一、比喻形象思维是古诗创作的特质,比喻则是形象思维的重要手段,古诗中的比喻手法,更能把作者的思想感情化为读 Rhetoric is the language modification skills, use it, can improve the language expression effect. While writing poetry, ancient poets also paid attention to using rhetorical techniques to enhance the artistic and appealing works. To understand rhetorical techniques of ancient poetry can not only deepen students 'understanding of ancient poetry, but also increase students' knowledge and cultivate their sentiments so that they can enjoy their beauty. When guiding students to appreciate ancient poetry, it is even more necessary to give the students the magical effect of common rhetorical devices in ancient poetry so that the classroom is full of fun and entertaining students in a wonderful artistic conception. Here, I will talk about some of the common rhetorical devices in ancient poetry magical. First, the metaphor of image thinking is the trait of ancient poetry creation, metaphor is an important means of image thinking, the ancient poetry of the metaphor, but also the author's feelings into read
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