白鲑属的鱼种类很多,广泛分布在北欧、中欧、西伯利亚、加拿大和北半球的北部。现在在日本养殖的有以下五种:Coregonus peledC.lavaretus maraenaC.lavaretus ludogaC.muksunC.autumnalis migratorius这些鱼在养殖研究所,青森、秋田、三重等县都已引进,并正在进行湖沼放流或养殖、繁殖的研究工作。在长野县如表1所示,自1975年以来,从苏联和捷克引进9批。从引进的发眼卵孵化开始,到养成以及采卵技术的开发,都已获得结果。目前已在佐久分场形成企业规模
Whitefish are many species of fish that are widely distributed in northern Europe, Central Europe, Siberia, Canada and the northern hemisphere. There are now five species cultured in Japan: Coregonus peledC.lavaretus maraenaC.lavaretus ludogaC.muksunC.Autumnalis migratorius These fish have been introduced at the Institute of Aquaculture, Aomori, Akita, and Mie Prefecture and are being released for lagoon breeding or breeding Research work. As shown in Table 1 in Nagano Prefecture, nine batches have been imported from the Soviet Union and the Czech Republic since 1975. From the introduction of the hatching of the starting eye to develop and develop the ovum harvest technology, have been the results. Sosa has been formed in the field of corporate size