一、河口县概况 河口瑶族自治县位于云南省东南部,是云南省唯一的瑶族自治县,与越南老街省山水相连。国境线长193公里,其中,河界73公里,陆界120公里。全县国土面积1332平方公里,山区面积占97.8%,是典型的“少、边、山”县。辖4乡2镇,行政区域内还有4个省属国有橡胶农场。县内居住着瑶、苗、壮、傣、彝、布依等24个
I. Introduction of Hekou County Hekou Yao Autonomous County is located in the southeastern part of Yunnan Province and is the only Yao Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, connected with the landscape of Vietnam’s Lao Cai Province. The border length of 193 km, of which 73 km River, land 120 km. The county land area of 1332 square kilometers, 97.8% of the mountainous area, is a typical “less, edge, mountain” county. Jurisdiction over 4 towns and 2 towns, there are 4 administrative regions within the state-owned rubber farm. The county lives in Yao, Miao, Zhuang, Dai, Yi, Bouyei 24