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近来,对二十余所中小学校1996年以来的收费情况的调查结果表明:中小学收费状况不容乐观,乱收费有愈演愈烈之势,其表现形式有:一、一度曾查处过的乱收费项目已从帐上走向帐下。从调查的结果看,违规收费中,基本上都是过去反映在帐面上且被查处的经常性的乱收费项目,主要包括补课费、设备费、电扇费、图书管理费、班费、自行车管理费、办档费、证件费、电教费、借书证押金等,所不同的是,它们已从帐上转移到帐下,其收费资金全部游离在学校财务部门帐外循环。二、“捐资助学”变味,成了乱收费的避风港。时下,一些学校热衷于收取“捐资助学款”。捐资名目繁多,捐资办法有两种,一是开家长座谈会现场捐;二是与校方订立《捐资协议》捐。表面上看,都是自愿捐,实则是强制捐,非捐不可。三、“代收费”走样,变成了无底漏。一是超范围“代”。如代买课外书籍、代买学习用品、代购校服等,最为突出的是代办 Recently, the survey on fees collected by more than 20 primary and secondary schools since 1996 shows that the charging conditions in primary and secondary schools are not optimistic and charges are getting worse. The manifestations are as follows: First, the unlawful charges once investigated have been investigated From account to account. According to the results of the investigation, irregular charges are basically recurring charges collected on the books and investigated in the past, mainly including remedial fees, equipment fees, fan fees, library management fees, class fees, bicycles Management fees, file fees, document fees, audio-visual fees, library card deposit, the difference is that they have transferred from the account to the account, the fees and charges all free of charge in the school finance department off the balance. Second, “donations to help students ” become bad, became a haven of arbitrary charges. Nowadays, some schools are passionate about collecting donations. There are many kinds of donations, there are two ways to donate money, one is to open a forum for parents to donate; the other is to sign a “donation agreement” donation with the school. On the surface, all are voluntary donations, but in reality they are forcible donations and non-donation. Third, “on behalf of fees ” aliasing, into a bottomless leak. One is beyond the scope of “generation”. If you buy extra-curricular books, buy school supplies, purchasing uniforms, etc., the most prominent is the charge d'affaires
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全总筹款345万雪中送炭 据全国总工会对9个省市的不完全统计,因企业“双停”(部分停工和全部停工)亏损而停发、减发工资的职工已达200多万。许多职工无钱买粮、看病、交房租