近年来 ,语文教学改革取得了很大的成绩 ,但在前进的道路上仍存在这样或那样的问题 ,有些问题相当严重。就现实来看 ,我们的语文教学沿袭了过去传统 ,教师凌驾于课堂之上 ,凌驾于学生之上。同时 ,高考指挥棒下的老师 ,仔细研究高考 ,考什么 ,就教什么 ,急功近利思想严重 ;学校?
In recent years, great achievements have been made in the reform of Chinese language teaching. However, there are still problems of this kind or on the way forward. Some problems are quite serious. In reality, our language teaching has followed the tradition of the past. Teachers are above the classroom and above the students. At the same time, the teachers under the baton under the bachelor’s entrance examination carefully studied the college entrance examination, examined what they wanted, taught them what to do, and thought about gratitude and quick success;