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  Abstract : This paper focuses on American crime issues and tries to bring some effective and useful ideas to the prevention of crime in China. Surveillance equipment, which is able to help police to prevent crime in a effective way, however, also brings some privacy problem to the society. Based on the study of United States crime rate and related research, this paper claims that surveillance equipment is important and necessary for the prevention of crime, especially the street crime.
  Keywords : Surveillance equipment, privacy, crime rate, street robbery
  1. Introduction:
  With the development of science and economy, new technology becomes more and more popular. Such as security camera and public surveillance equipment, all these facilities make a enormous improvement on the prevention of crime nowadays. However, it creates some privacy problems to some extent. Some citizens feel uncomfortable to be watched in public all the time; citizens should own the right to keep their privacy from surveillance even in public.
  2. Situation in United States:
  As we know, the typical crime which usually occurs in public is robbery. Data from the American police department indicates that nearly 408,217 robberies occurred nationwide in 2009 (FBI.gov), which means there will be around one thousand citizens robbed every single day in the United States. It is not hard to see that people there are living under enormous threats from crimes everyday, even it is a most advantage and powerful country. The worse is that robbery, which is defined as "the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of persons by force or threat of force or violence and by putting the victim in fear" (FBI.gov), not only takes people's money, but also threatens people's health or even life. That means robbery occurred in public will be more dangerous and harmful to citizens' daily lives. It is not a big deal if a crime only takes a little property, but the situation will be more serious if the criminal threatens the victims' health or even life by force and violence. All these informations and data indicate how serious and dangerous the crime situation is in the modern society. Compared with the importance of people's privacy, the prevention of crime seems to be more necessary.
  3. Use of surveillance equipment:
  Public Closed Circuit Television, which is called CCTV, has been utilized in the public for over twenty years in United States. It is a system of public surveillance. The article written by Ratcliffe and his partners indicates that public closed circuit televisions exert significant effects on the crime reduction (Ratcliffe, Taniguchi, and Taylor). The study in this article was based on an analysis that incorporates controls for long-term trends and seasonality, and the amount of CCTV and crime rates in different areas were compared and analysed in this study   4. Theory Basis
  However, people would want to know why and how the surveillance could influence the crime rate. Routine Activities Theory argues that "structural changes in routine activity patterns can influence crime rates by affecting the convergence in space and time of the three minimal elements of direct-contact predatory violations: (1) motivated offenders, (2) suitable targets, and (3) the absence of capable guardians against a violation" (Felson and Cohen 589). So it is not hard to find that, to prevent the crime, the governments and police department should control these three factors. Surveillance equipment, as security camera, could reduce the crime rate significantly by influencing the three factors, which means surveillance equipment could influence, or rather destroy, the criminals' motivation, make the victims more difficult to be attacked, and ensure the safety level in public.
  As all we know, it is a tough mission to collect an effective feedback as an direct evidence if the crime occurred without any surveillance. However, if there are effective security measures,as camera, setting in the public, criminals will no longer think that they are difficult to arrest and be punished. The detailed process of a robbery could be recorded clearly by the cameras set on street, and it will be easy to achieve an identification of the criminal. As a result, most of the robbers, who have the goal of little property, would lose the motivation to commit a crime under the risk of arrest. Also, security surveillance equipment could help the police .the victims could obtain the medical aid immediately, which means surveillance equipment could make the victims difficult to be attacked and ensure the safety level in public.
  Privacy means the quality or state of being hidden from, or undisturbed by, the observation or activities of other people. There should be some people who will concern their privacy under the surveillance in the public. However, people should know that the unique purpose of the security surveillance is only to monitor the situation of public, which means it will not hurt anybody or make any property loss. Considering that the benefit of using the surveillance equipment in the public is much larger than the negative effects to privacy, it is necessary to take full advantage of the security surveillance equipment to keep our lives in a peace world. Also, police department of China should bring these ideas into the prevention of crime, it will definitely make some effective positive outcome, and make citizens' life better.
  [1] Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Travis Taniguchi, and Ralph B. Taylor. "The crime reduction effects of public CCTV cameras: a multi-method spatial approach." Justice Quarterly 26:4 (2009): 746-770. Print.
  [2] Lawrence E. Cohen, and Marcus Felson.
  "Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach." American Sociological Revi-
  ew 44 (1979): 588-608. Print.
  [3] U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C.: Federal Bureau of Investigation, n.d. Web. 4 February 2011.
  作者簡介:王扬,青岛大学法学院 诉讼法学 研究方向:刑事诉讼法。
【摘要】 生物化工发展至今已经历了半个多世纪,最早主要是生产抗生素;随后,是为氨基酸发酵、舀体激素的生物转化、维生素的生物法生产、单细胞蛋白生产及淀粉糖生产等工业化服务。自20世纪80年代起,随着现代生物技术的兴起,生物化工又利用重组微生物、动植物细胞大规模培养等手段生产药用多肽、蛋白、疫苗、干扰素等。而且,生物化工的应用已涉及到人民生活的方方面面,包括农业生产、化轻原料生产、医药卫生、食品、环境
【摘要】 (1)物理学的时空标准是四维的,《狭义相对论》的理论的时空观点是两维的,也就是空间只有长度和时间,没有宽度和高度,被爱因斯坦自己的《广义相对论》的四维时空观点推翻了。(2)《狭义相对论》诞生以后,物理学家们说,爱因斯坦推翻了牛顿的绝对时间和空间观点,现在的无数次的实验证明,发现这个观点是没有科学根据的 。两种理论没有共同点。(3)牛顿的质量指的是物体的体质和密度,在《狭义相对论》的物体速
【摘要】 农业机械化及其自动化专业致力于为社会培养农机专业人才,具有明显的行业背景。面对我国新农村建设对专业人才需求的变化,调整农业机械化及其自动化专业教学人才队伍已势在必行。通过结合自身的办学特色,构建农机专业教学人才队伍,建立产学研有机结合的教育模式是本次教育教学改革的核心内容,本次教育教学改革通过人才队伍的调整与完善,构建新型的人才培养方案、理论与实践教学体系,实现为行业和地方培养具有创新精
【摘要】 本文分析了理性主义和人文主义在经济学中的表现以及在经济学教学中存在重视理性主义而缺失人文主义的现象和原因,提出理性和人文主义相统一的经济教改方向和措施。  【关键词】 理性 人文 统一  近些年来,在经济学领域长期占统治地位的理性主义似乎出现动摇,金融危机以来人们开始对理性的发展历史和作用功能进行批判性反思。在主流经济学家们还在固守传统理性主义的阵地的同时人文主义的潮流正在冲击着主流经济
【摘要】 高校思想政治教育专业学生培养出来的目标不仅是构建和谐社会主义的合格建设者,还应当是可靠接班人。高校思想政治教育专业学生的思想政治教育与一般大学生的思想政治教育既相互联系,又相互区别。为此,本文以高校思想政治教育专业学生为研究对象,探讨思想政治教育的现状、必要性及意义等。  【关键词】 大学生 思想政治教育专业 思想政治教育  目前,我国的高校思想政治教育以大学生总体与宏观研究居多,大学生
【摘要】 在当今竞争日趋激烈的时代,大学毕业生就业压力日趋渐长,为了能够更好的应对竞争的需要,大学生应在保证个人硬实力的前提下注重自我軟实力的培养。  【关键词】 大学生 就业 软实力  综合分析调查数据及相关材料表明,随着高校毕业生人数逐年递增,就业形势越发严峻。面对此种社会现状,作为大学生应该更加清晰的认识到在保证自我硬实力的前提下提高个人软实力是大势所趋,更是我们实现自我的必然途径。分析表明
【摘要】 财会教学是一项特殊的学科教学,相较于其他科目的学习,财会教学和学习更加注重强调知识的实践性和应用性,因为财会学习的最终目的就是服务于企业的财务管理,所以,在学习中我们应该让学生大量的进行模拟的实际操作,这样才能达到良好的教学效果和教学目的,下面笔者就结合财会专业中的模拟教学,谈谈自己的认识。  【关键词】 财会 模拟 教学  随着我国经济建设的发展,各种企业对于财会人才的需求也越来越多,
【摘要】 技工学校是培养技术工人的中等职业技术学校,在技工学校里,数学既是学习其它专业知识的基础课,又是参加实际操作中必不可少的重要工具,因此,它是实现技工学校培养目标不可缺少的课程。  【关键词】 数学教学 技工 科学素质 基础  技工学校不是造就不会动手的“理论家”,也不是培养只会动手的熟练工,而是要培养心灵手巧的中级技术工人。所谓心灵手巧就是指对所从事的技术工作善于出点子、想办法,而且爱干、
【摘要】 全球经济一体化促进了国际间经济贸易交流,贸易交流日益频繁导致国际贸易翻译人才的大量需求,对国际贸易翻译人才的素质的要求也日益提高,本文将从语言素质、文化素质、国际贸易知识以及翻译理论及技巧等方面对国际贸易英语翻译人的素质做初步的探讨。  【关键词】 国际贸易 翻译人才 素质  随着中国加入WTO,在全球经济一体化的浪潮冲击下,国际间的贸易往来和经济交流日益频繁,商业文件,信函,以及商业谈
【摘要】 在不完全竞争的现实社会中,在规模经济的情况下,政府应选择有发展前途且外部效应好的产业加以保护和扶持;战略性贸易政策在促进一国产业发展,进而带动经济总体获得发展方面具有积极的意义。本文主要对战略性贸易政策进行系统的总结,并阐述了这一理论在现实实践中的运用。  【关键词】 战略性贸易政策 规模经济 不完全竞争 外部经济  1. 战略性贸易理论的内涵与政策主张  战略性贸易政策理论认为,在不完